
Professional Experience

  • From Sep 2020. Associate Professor at Burgundy (Bourgogne) university.

ISAT engineer school--Institut Supérieur de l’Automobile et des Transports,

DRIVE Laboratory-- Département de Recherche en Ingénierie des Véhicules pour l’Environnement.

  • From Oct. 2019 to Aug 2020. Post-Doc at Eurecom school.

Topic: 5G, Network slicing, Drones, Autonomous vehicles, Deep Learning, Federated Learning.

Supervisor: Adlen Ksentini

  • From Oct. 2018 to Sep 2019. Post-Doc at LINEACT Laboratory of CESI School.

Topic: Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Industrial Internet of Things, Industry 4.0.

Supervisors: Anne Louis, M'hammed Sahnoun

  • From Oct. 2017 to Sep. 2018. Post-Doc at ERA University of Troyes

Topic: Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Thermal Comfort.

Supervisors: Moez Esseghir and Leila MERGHEM-BOULAHIA

  • From Oct. 2016 to May. 2017. Scholarship at L3i university of La Rochelle

Topic: Game theory, Fuzzy logic, Vehicular Cloud, Service selection.

Supervisors: Yacine Ghamri-Doudane

  • From Oct. 2013 to Sep. 2016. Teacher assistant at Laghouat university (Algeria).

Hourly volume: 288 h/year

  • From Apr. 2012 to Sep. 2013. Development engineer at Laghouat university (Algeria)

Education and Obtained Degrees

  • Jul. 2017. PhD in Computer Science from Laghouat university (Algeria).

Topic: Wireless networks, Vehicular networks, Vehicular Cloud, Data collection and Aggregation, Service selection.

  • Apr. 2013. Magister in Computer Science from Laghouat university (Algeria).

Topic: Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Collection and Aggregation.

Ranking: Ranked first in my class.

  • Jui. 2010. Engineering degree in Computer Science from Laghouat university (Algeria).

Topic: Artificial Intelligence.

Ranking: Ranked first in my class.