Previous Post-Doc Activities

  • From Oct 2019 to Aug 2020. I was involved in three european projects:

    1. H2020 5GDrones!. It aims to create, implement and test network slices for some drone use cases on the top of 5G infrastructure.

    2. H2020 MonB5G. It aims to enable a zero touch management of 5G's network slicing using deep and federated learning.

    3. InDiD. It targetes cooperative intelligent transportation systems (C-ITS) based on both 5G networks and network slicing concept.

  • From Oct 2018 to Sep 2019. I worked on LOCADYN Project which comprises two main steps:

    1. Monitoring the system disruption in Industry 4.0. Particularly, it focus on system disruption related to resources localization or when a resource is in an unexpected location.

    2. Providing an efficient Dynamic tasks rescheduling scheme at detecting a system disruption.

My main involvement in this project is the design a system disruption model using machine learning algorithms. Then, at predicting a system risk, the optimization of tasks rescheduling while ensuring the system manufacturing performance.

  • From Oct. 2017 to Sep. 2018. I worked on B.A.C project that aims to automate the thermal confort evaluation of disabled people using data analysis and wireless sensor networks.

My main contribution was two algorithms designing sensors deployment in targted buildings and how to collect data related to people thermal comfort such as temperature, humidity, air velocity, etc. Once collecting data, I proposed thermal comfort prediction model using machine learning. This model is able to predict occupants' indoor thermal comfort based on sensed outdoor conditions.