International Young Seminar on
Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume 


Please note that we did not recorded the talks this semester. However, we will ask each speaker for their slides/notes.


Simon Machado (ETH, Zurich) - Between additive combinatorics and bounded cohomology


In recent years, a clear relationship between approximate subgroups - subsets of subgroups stable under mutliplication up to a finite error relevant in many problems of combinatorial and geometric origin -  and bounded cohomology has emerged. In short, bounded cohomology can help measure the regularity of a given approximate subgroup. I will discuss recent developments in that direction by focusing on one example where that relationship can be exploited with great success. Namely, I will talk about approximate lattices, a rich class of approximate subgroups generalising lattices of locally compact groups that arises naturally in relations with aperiodic tilings, invariant point processes or Pisot numbers. 


Lorenzo Ruffoni (Tufts University, Boston) - Hyperbolization, cubulation, and applications.


The Charney-Davis strict hyperbolization is a procedure that turns polyhedra into spaces of negative curvature, while preserving some topological features. It has been used to construct examples of manifolds that exhibit unexpected features, despite having negative curvature. One may expect the fundamental groups of these manifolds to display strange features as well. On the other hand, we show that these groups admit nice actions on CAT(0) cube complexes, both in the absolute and relative settings. As an application, we obtain new examples of negatively curved Riemannian manifolds whose fundamental groups are virtually special and algebraically fibered.


Pietro Capovilla (SNS, Pisa) - Relative Bounded Cohomology and Multicomplexes


One of the most celebrated results in the theory of bounded cohomology is Gromov's Mapping Theorem, which shows how the bounded cohomology of a topological space only depends on its fundamental group. Gromov's approach to the Mapping Theorem is based on the theory of multicomplexes, simplicial structures that lie in between simplicial complexes and simplicial sets.

The aim of this talk is to discuss how the theory of multicomplexes can be used to address a relative version of the Mapping Theorem. I will discuss the role of higher homotopy in relative bounded cohomology and some applications to the additivity of simplicial volume for aspherical manifolds.


Giovanni Sartori (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh) - Integral foliated simplicial volume and ergodic decomposition


The integral foliated simplicial volume of a manifold provides a dynamical version of its simplicial volume, measuring the "size" of fundamental cycles parametrised by a standard probability action of the fundamental group. Moreover, it gives a sharper upper bound for the L2-Betti numbers and for the cost of the fundamental group. We establish an integral formula for the parametrised simplicial volume along an ergodic decomposition of the underlying standard probability action.

6/11/2023 - Lightning Talk Session

Franziska Hofmann (Regensburg University)

Giovanni Sartori (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)


Michelle Bucher (Université de Genève) - Alternating and non-alternating cocycles on homogeneous spaces


 Let G be a semi simple Lie group with finite center and finitely many connected components and H a closed subgroups. When H is amenable it is well known that the continuous or measurable bounded cohomology of G can be obtained from the G-invariant cochains on G/H. We will see that this is in general no longer true for the usual (unbounded) cohomology of G. 

Specialising to the case when H=P is a minimal parabolic subgroup the difference between the cohomology of G and that of G/P (i.e. the kernel of the evaluation map) naturally decomposes as a direct sum of alternating and non-alternating classes. In particular, we will see that there exists cocycles on G/P, whose symmetrisation vanishes, representing non-trivial cohomology classes on G/P.

Time allowing, some applications to bounded cohomology will be discussed.

Joint work with Alessio Savini. 


Martina Jørgensen (ETH, Zurich) - Injective hulls and higher rank hyperbolicity


We introduce the notions of asymptotic rank and injective hulls before investigating a coarse version of Dress’ 2(n+1)-inequality characterising metric spaces of combinatorial dimension at most n. This condition, referred to as (n,δ)-hyperbolicity, reduces to Gromov's quadruple definition of δ-hyperbolicity for n=1. The ℓ∞ product of n δ-hyperbolic spaces is (n,δ)-hyperbolic and, without further assumptions, any (n,δ)-hyperbolic space admits a slim (n+1)-simplex property analogous to the slimness of quasi-geodesic triangles in Gromov hyperbolic spaces. Using tools from recent developments in geometric group theory, we look at some examples and show that every Helly group and every hierarchically hyperbolic space of asymptotic rank n acts geometrically on some (n,δ)-hyperbolic space. Joint work with Urs Lang.

27/11/2023 - Short talk

Alexander Blatz (KIT, Karlsruhe) - Secondary Stability of Bounded Cohomology


Pablo Sánchez-Peralta (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) - On vanishing criteria of L²-Betti numbers of groups.


The vanishing of the L²-Betti numbers of a countable discrete group have proved to be a powerful tool to detect structural properties of the group. The aim of this talk will be to show how the L²-Betti numbers of subgroups satisfying certain normality conditions produce the vanishing of the L²-Betti numbers of the whole group. Additionally, we shall exhibit an algebraic proof of a celebrated theorem of Gaboriau, addressing a request of Bourdon, Martin and Valette.


Robin J. Sroka (University of Münster) - Simplicial bounded cohomology and stability


Homological stability techniques have a long and successful history as tools for computations in the setting of classical group (co-)homology. Monod and, recently, De la Cruz Mengual--Hartnick introduced homological stability ideas to the study of bounded cohomology. In analogy with Quillen's classical approach, the key input for proving a stability result for the bounded cohomology of a sequence of groups is a bounded acyclicity theorem for certain semi-simplicial sets. In this talk, I will outline an approach for studying such acyclicity properties using ``norm-enriched'' refinements of well-known simplicial techniques and discuss applications in the realm of stability. This talk is based on joint work with Thorben Kastenholz.


Jacopo Guoyi Chen (SNS, Pisa) - Computing the twisted L²-Euler characteristic


The twisted L²-Euler characteristic is a homotopy invariant of CW complexes introduced in a 2018 article by Friedl and Lück. Since the invariant agrees with the Thurston norm on a large class of 3-manifolds, it appears quite promising for the study of fibrations over the circle in more general spaces, especially higher dimensional manifolds. We present an algorithm that computes the twisted L²-Euler characteristic, employing Oki's matrix expansion algorithm to indirectly evaluate the Dieudonné determinant of certain matrices. The algorithm needs to run for an extremely long time to certify its outputs, but a truncated, human-assisted version produces very good results in many cases, including hyperbolic link complements, closed census 3-manifolds, free-by-cyclic groups, and higher-dimensional examples, such as the fiber of the Ratcliffe-Tschantz 5-manifold.


Caterina Campagnolo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) - A new vanishing criterion for bounded cohomology


We provide an algebraic criterion for the vanishing of bounded cohomology of groups in all degrees k>0 and all separable dual coefficients. This criterion allows us to extend vanishing results formerly known only in degree 2 or only for trivial real coefficients, and to treat many families of groups of algebraic, geometric or dynamic origin. 

In this talk we will focus on examples of direct or indirect applications.

This is joint work with Francesco Fournier-Facio, Yash Lodha and Marco Moraschini.


Dario Ascari (University of the Basque Country) - A finitely presented group with a second cohomology class which is weakly bounded but not bounded


The subtle distinction between the notion of bounded and weakly bounded cohomology class plays a role in several applications. However, it's not easy to construct groups where the two notions aren't equivalent. We provide the first known example of such a finitely presented group. In particular, this allows us to answer to a question of Gromov about the cohomology of closed manifolds.

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bounded.cohomology (at)


Federica Bertolotti (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)

Kevin Li (Universität Regensburg)

Matthias Uschold (Universität Regensburg)

If you find any mistake, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers.