Summer Semester 2021


12/04/2021 - Nikolai Ivanov

Bounded cohomology and classical algebraic topology


The talk will be devoted to a new approach to the main theorem of the bounded cohomology theory, known as the Mapping Theorem, based on the ideas of Eilenberg-MacLane, Eilenberg-Zilber, and, especially, of Postnikov from 1950is. This approach allows to extend the Mapping Theorem to simplicial sets having the Kan extension property and also leads to a natural interpretation of the topological part of speaker's first proof (1984-5) of the Mapping theorem.

19/04/2021 - Morimichi Kawasaki (Aoyamagakuin University)

On the space of non-descending quasi-morphisms


For a topological group G, a quasi-morphism on the universal covering of G is said to descend if it comes from a quasi-morphism on G. In this talk, we study the space of non-descending quasi-morphisms. As its application, we prove (un)boundedness of some characteristic classes on the group of (contact) Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms. This is a joint work with Shuhei Maruyama.

If time permits, we also explain our recent study on the space of non-extendable quasimorhisms, which is a joint work with Mitsuaki Kimura, Takahiro Matsushita, Shuhei Maruyama and Masato Mimura.

26/04/2021 - Pietro Capovilla (University of Regensburg)

Amenable category and complexity


Several results in Bounded Cohomology theory are expressed by means of the multiplicity of amenable open covers. By studying the minimal cardinality of these covers one gets the notion of amenable category. topological complexity is another categorical invariant introduced by Farber in the context of topological robotics. In this talk we study the relation between amenable category and topological complexity.

Time permitting, we also discuss the monotonicity problem for degree-one maps and amenable category.

This is a joint work with Clara Löh and Marco Moraschini.

03/05/2021 - Bastien Karlhofer (University of Aberdeen)

Aut-invariant quasimorphisms on free products


In this talk we will explicitly construct for free products of groups A*B quasimorphisms that happen to be invariant under all automorphisms of A*B. We will obtain Aut-invariant quasimorphisms on various groups of geometric origin ranging from the braid group on three strands over fundamental groups of knot complements to some right angled Coxeter groups. As a further application we will discuss the non-triviality of an Aut-invariant analogue of stable commutator length recently introduced by Kawasaki and Kimura.

Postponed to 28/06!

10/05/2021 - George Raptis (University of Regensburg)

17/05/2021 - Sofia Amontova (University of Geneva)

Cup products in bounded cohomology of the free group via aligned cochains


Despite its wide range of applications, bounded cohomology is hard to compute in general. In fact, it is an open problem whether the bounded cohomology of the non-abelian free group with trivial coefficients vanishes in higher degrees.

In this talk, we discuss an approach to this problem using cup products and explain how to use Delta-decompositions (due to Heuer) and aligned cochains (due to Bucher and Monod), to generate examples of trivial cup products in bounded cohomology of arbitrary degree greater than 3.

This is joint work with Michelle Bucher.

24/05/2021 - Holiday!

31/05/2021 - Roman Sauer (KIT)

Actions on Cantor spaces and macroscopic scalar curvature


We prove the macroscopic cousins of three conjectures: 1) a conjectural bound of the simplicial volume of a Riemannian manifold in the presence of a lower scalar curvature bound, 2) the conjecture that rationally essential manifolds do not admit metrics of positive scalar curvature, 3) a conjectural bound of l²-Betti numbers of aspherical Riemannian manifolds in the presence of a lower scalar curvature bound. The macroscopic cousin is the statement one obtains by replacing a lower scalar curvature bound by an upper bound on the volumes of 1-balls in the universal cover. Group actions on Cantor spaces surprisingly play an important role in the proof. The talk is based on joint work with Sabine Braun.

07/06/2021 - Christophoros Neofytidis (Ohio State University)

Topological Kodaira dimension, mapping degree and the simplicial volume


We introduce a type of Kodaira dimension and study its behavior with respect to the existence of maps of non-zero degree, as well as with the simplicial volume. Joint work with Weiyi Zhang.

14/06/2021 - Lvzhou (Joe) Chen (UT Austin)

Stable torsion length


Many interesting groups are generated by torsion elements, for instance, mapping class groups, SL(n, Z) and Homeo(S¹). The word length with respect to this typically infinite generating set is called the torsion length. That is, the torsion length tl(g)/n of an element g is the smallest k such that g is the product of k torsion elements. The stable torsion length stl(g) is the limit of tl(g)/n, which measures the growth of the torsion length. I will explain how this is related to the stable commutator length and how to use topological methods to compute stl(g) in free products of finite abelian groups. The nature of the method implies that stl(g) is always rational in these free products. This is joint work with Chloe Avery.

21/06/2021 - Clara Löh (University of Regensburg)

The spectrum of simplicial volume of non-compact manifolds


We show that, in dimension at least 4, the set of locally finite simplicial volumes of oriented connected open manifolds is [0,]. Moreover, we consider the case of tame open manifolds and some low-dimensional examples. This is joint work with Nicolaus Heuer.

28/06/2021 - George Raptis (University of Regensburg)

Local-to-global properties and bounded cohomology


In this talk, I will discuss some recent results in connection with two well-known theorems about bounded cohomology: the Vanishing/Covering Theorems and the Mapping Theorem.

In the first case, I will sketch an approach based on the homotopy-theoretic properties of the comparison map from bounded cohomology to singular cohomology (viewed as a natural map of cochain complexes).

In the second case, based on joint work with Marco Moraschini, I will present some characterizations of the maps which induce isomorphisms in bounded cohomology in terms of properties of the homotopy fiber.

Take a look at the official page of this edition!



Caterina Campagnolo (UAM Madrid)

Francesco Fournier-Facio (ETH Zurich)

Marco Moraschini (University of Bologna)