Winter Semester 2021/2022


18/10/2021 - Bruno Martelli (University of Pisa)

Hyperbolic 5-manifolds that fiber over the circle


We show that the existence of hyperbolic manifolds fibering over the circle is not a phenomenon confined to dimension 3 by exhibiting some examples in dimension 5. More generally, there are hyperbolic manifolds with perfect circle-valued Morse functions in all dimensions n≤5. As a consequence, there are hyperbolic groups with finite-type subgroups that are not hyperbolic.

The main tool is Bestvina—Brady theory enriched with a combinatorial game recently introduced by Jankiewicz, Norin and Wise. These are joint works with Battista, Italiano, and Migliorini.

25/10/2021 - Giuseppe Bargagnati (University of Pisa)

Simplicial volume of contractible 3-manifolds


We show that the simplicial volume of a contractible open 3-manifold M is equal to 0 if and only if M is homeomorphic to R³; otherwise it is equal to +. To this aim, we show that the excision of a compact connected codimension-0 submanifold with amenable and π₁-injective boundary induces isometric isomorphisms in l¹-homology in degree at least 2. In contrast, we show that in dimension n 4 there exist open contractible n-manifolds not homeomorphic to R with vanishing simplicial volume. We also compute the spectrum of the simplicial volume of irreducible open 3-manifolds.

This is a joint work with my advisor Roberto Frigerio.

01/11/2021 - Holiday!

08/11/2021 - Kevin Li (University of Southampton)

Bounded cohomology of classifying spaces for families of subgroups


Classifying spaces for families are important objects in equivariant topology and geometric group theory, whose cohomology is well-studied. I will introduce their bounded cohomology, that can be viewed as a relative bounded cohomology theory for groups with respect to a family of subgroups. Analogous to Johnson's characterization of amenability, this new theory characterizes co-amenability. Analogous to Mineyev's characterization of hyperbolicity, our theory characterizes relative hyperbolicity, which I shall mention only briefly.

15/11/2021 - Thorben Kastenholz (University of Göttingen)

The simplicial volume of manifolds fibering over spheres


It is a classical result that manifolds that are total spaces of fiber bundles, whose fiber has amenable fundamental group, have vanishing simplicial volume. In this talk I will explore the opposite question, where the manifolds fiber non-trivially with arbitrary fiber over a manifold with amenable fundamental group. The main focus will lay on manifolds fibering over spheres and an application to characteristic classes. All of this is joint work with Jens Reinhold.

22/11/2021 - Martin Nitsche (KIT)

Higher-degree bounded cohomology of transformation groups


By constructing a transfer map on the level of bounded cohomology Brandenbursky and Marcinkowski showed that the group of area-preserving, isotopic-to-identity homeomorphisms on certain manifolds has infinite-dimensional bounded cohomology in degree 3. Kimura adapted the argument to the area-preserving diffeomorphisms on the 2-disk relative the boundary.

In this talk I will explain the construction of the transfer map in the language of couplings between groups and sketch how the results can be extended to higher (even) degrees.

29/11/2021 - cancelled

06/12/2021 - Francesco Milizia (SNS Pisa)

L-infinity cohomology of discrete groups


The L-infinity cohomology of a group G, introduced by Gersten, is the cohomology of G with coefficients in a suitable non-trivial G-module. Mirroring the corresponding theorems about bounded cohomology, L-infinity cohomology characterizes hyperbolic (as discovered by Mineyev) and amenable groups. I will talk about these results and their connection to isoperimetric inequalities in cell complexes.

13/12/2021 - Nicolas Monod (EPFL)

The bounded cohomology of some homeomorphism groups


In joint work with Sam Nariman, we determine the bounded cohomology of the homeomorphism groups of the circle and of the closed disc. In both cases, it is the polynomial algebra on the bounded Euler class.

Although certain homeomorphism groups were known to have trivial bounded cohomology since the 1985 work of Matsumoto and Morita, our motivation was that apparently no group had a completely understood bounded cohomology unless it was trivial.

In this lecture, I will describe the new techniques that we introduced in order to prove our results. It turns out that the case of the circle is much easier than that of the disc, but still illustrates some of the main ideas.

20/12/2021 - Yulan Qing (Fudan University)

The Large scale geometry of big mapping class groups


In this talk, we introduce the framework of the coarse geometry of non-locally compact groups in the setting of big mapping class groups, as studied by Rosendal. We will discuss the characterization results of Mann-Rafi and Horbez-Qing-Rafi that illustrate big mapping groups' rich geometric and algebraic structures. We will outline the proofs in these results and their implications. If time permits, we will discuss some open problems in this area.

10/01/2022 - Yash Lodha (University of Vienna)

Some new constructions in the theory of left orderable groups


I will define two new constructions of finitely generated simple left orderable groups (in recent joint work with Hyde and Rivas). Among these examples are the first examples of finitely generated simple left orderable groups that admit a minimal action by homeomorphisms on the Torus, and the first family that admits such an action on the circle. I shall also present examples of finitely generated simple left orderable groups that are uniformly simple (these were constructed by me with Hyde in 2019). And present new examples that, somewhat surprisingly, have infinite commutator width.

Finally, I will present some new results around the second bounded cohomology of these groups (joint with Fournier-Facio).

17/01/2022 - Xiaofeng Meng (Fudan University)

Simplicial volume of fiber bundles with nonpositively curved fibers


In this talk, I will prove that the simplicial volume of the total space of a smooth fiber bundle with fiber being an oriented closed connected (occ) manifold of nonpositive curvature and negative Ricci curvature over an occ manifold with a closed universal covering is zero.

Furthermore, if the fiber is an occ negatively curved manifold with dimension more than 2, the simplicial volume of the total space is zero if and only if the simplicial volume of the base space is zero.

24/01/2022 - Clara Löh (University of Regensburg)

Gradient invariants of aspherical manifolds with small amenable category


The vanishing of stable integral simplicial volume implies vanishing of certain gradient invariants, such as the rank gradient of the fundamental group, the Betti number gradient, and the logarithmic torsion homology growth. In this talk, I will report on recent joint work with Marco Moraschini and Roman Sauer on integral foliated simplicial volume and stable integral simplicial volume of aspherical closed manifolds that admit an amenable open cover of "small" multiplicity as well as the consequences for the mentioned gradient invariants.

31/01/2022 - Bharatram Rangarajan (Einstein Institute of Mathematics)

Uniform Stability of Groups and Vanishing of an asymptotic variant of bounded cohomology


In an ongoing joint work with Glebsky, Lubotzky and Monod, we construct an analogue of bounded cohomology in an asymptotic setting in order to prove uniform stability of lattices in Lie groups (of rank at least two) with respect to unitary groups equipped with a metric induced by a submultiplicative norm.

The main idea is the notion of "defect diminishing", which allows us to reduce stability as a homomorphism lifting problem with abelian kernel, and relates to an asymptotic bounded cohomology H²a whose vanishing implies uniform stability. If time permits, I shall sketch a proof of the main result: namely, the vanishing of a(G,V) for lattices in high rank Lie groups (along the lines of the proof in Burger-Monod that bounded cohomology vanishes for such groups), implying uniform stability for this class of groups.

07/02/2022 - Carlos De la Cruz Mengual (Weizmann Institute of Science)

Stabilization of bounded cohomology along classical families


I report on recent joint work with Tobias Hartnick, establishing the stabilization of continuous bounded cohomology along many classical families of real and complex Lie groups. This is obtainedas a consequence of the "high acyclicity" of the Stiefel complex associated to any vector space endowed with a non-degenerate sesquilinear form. In this talk I will concentrate on the proof of said acyclicity statement.

Take a look at the official page of this edition!



Caterina Campagnolo (UAM Madrid)

Francesco Fournier-Facio (ETH Zurich)

Marco Moraschini (University of Bologna)