International Young Seminar on
Bounded Cohomology and Simplicial Volume 


Starting from Summer Semester 2020, this online seminar aims at connecting young people working in the areas of simplicial volume, bounded cohomology and related subjects. It is also meant as an occasion for PhD students and young postdocs to give a talk on their research projects or interests. Other people interested in the area are also welcome to attend.


Mondays 16:00-17:30 (Central European Summer Time = UTC+0200; i.e. Pisa, Regensburg time, convert). 


16:00-16:15 Coffee break

16:15-17:00 Talk

17:00-17:30 Questions and discussion


The seminars are hosted in the following Zoom meeting room:  686 1147 6565 

The password is the solution to the following riddle: "The dual theory of bounded cohomology"  (no capital letters, it begins with h) followed by the last two digits of the current year without spacing


Please note that we will not record the talks this semester. However, we will ask each speaker for their slides/notes.

22/04/2024 at 17:00

John Lott (University of California,  Berkeley) - Questions involving scalar curvature and simplicial volume


There's a conjecture that a compact Riemannian manifold with almost nonnegative scalar curvature, with respect to a normalized volume, has vanishing simplicial volume.  I'll explain the background to this conjecture, how it motivates problems about the existence of finite volume Riemannian metrics with positive scalar curvature on noncompact manifolds, and some results in the spin case.


Alexis Marchand (University of Cambridge) - Sharp spectral gaps for scl from negative curvature


Stable commutator length is a measure of homological complexity of group elements, which is known to take large values in the presence of various notions of negative curvature. We will present a new geometric proof of a theorem of Heuer on sharp lower bounds for scl in right-angled Artin groups. Our proof relates letter-quasimorphisms (which are analogues of real-valued quasimorphisms with image in free groups) to negatively curved angle structures for surfaces estimating scl.


Pénélope Azuelos (University of Bristol) - Topology and dynamics on the space of subgroups


The space of subgroups of a countable group G is a compact topological space equipped with a continuous action of G which encodes many of the properties of its non-free actions. I will discuss some approaches to studying the Cantor-Bendixson decomposition of this space in the context of hyperbolic groups and groups which act (nicely) on trees, and give some conditions under which the conjugation action on the perfect kernel of this space is highly topologically transitive. I will then explain how this information can be used to find many new examples of groups which admit a faithful transitive amenable action, including for instance all virtually compact special groups.

This is joint work with Damien Gaboriau.


Peter Feller (ETH Zürich) - Quasimorphisms via homogenization of knot invariants.


In this talk, we consider homogeneous quasimorphisms on Artin's braid group that arise from knot invariants. The two main examples we will discuss are the writhe (e.g. the algebraic exponent sum of standard generators) and the fractional Dehn twist coefficient (a rational number measuring ''twisting'' of a braid).

We will speculate on how this relates to other constructions of quasimorphisms (e.g. ala Brooks, Bestvina, Fujiwara) and we will consider applications to questions related to concordance (the study of surfaces in 4-manifolds with boundary a prescribed knot).

No knowledge of knot theory will be presupposed.

20/05/2024 - German holiday


Shaked Bader (University of Oxford) - Hyperbolic subgroups of type FP_2(Ring)


In 1996 Gersten proved that if G is a word hyperbolic group of cohomological dimension 2 and H is a subgroup of type FP_2, then H is hyperbolic as well. In this talk, I will present a project with Robert Kropholler and Vlad Vankov generalising this result to show that the same is true if G is only assumed to have cohomological dimension 2 over some ring R and H is of type FP_2(R) .


Sam Nariman (Purdue University) - Bounded cohomology of Homeo(R^n) and the failure of Milnor-Wood inequality in higher dimensions.


Milnor in 1958 proved that an orientable plane bundle E over a surface of genus g admits a flat connection if and only if the absolute value of the Euler number of E is bounded by g-1. Later Wood in 1971 generalized this result to flat circle bundles over surfaces. Ghys in 80s asked if Wood’s inequality can be generalized to flat oriented S³-bundles. In a joint work with Monod, we showed that the first Pontryagin class and the Euler class are in fact unbounded for flat oriented S³-bundles. This is the first talk in a two-series talk that I will report on a joint work with Fournier-Facio and Monod in which we prove that topological Pontryagin classes for flat Euclidean bundles are all unbounded.


Francesco Fournier-Facio (University of Cambridge) - Bounded acyclicity beyond compact support


Last week we heard about the bounded acyclicity of Homeo(R^n) and its consequences. In this talk, I will present the proof of this result, joint with Nicolas Monod and Sam Nariman. More generally, I will introduce a criterion for bounded acyclicity of transformation groups that are not compactly supported, which applies in many other contexts, and sometimes can even prove ordinary acyclicity.


Sofia Amontova (University of Geneva) - Cohomological invariants of representations of complex hyperbolic lattices


Representations of fundamental groups of manifolds into PU(n, 1) have been studied by means of numerical invariants from various viewpoints. In the context of higher Teichmüller theory, the so-called Toledo invariant in its different forms has been most commonly employed to single out special classes of representations of surface groups. In the extended setting of higher dimensional non-compact complex hyperbolic manifolds of finite volume, yet other cohomological invariants prove to be useful to this end.
In this talk we present some prominent cohomological invariants of representations in the extended setting using the machinery of bounded cohomology. We aim to relate those and prove integrality results; joint work with Michelle Bucher.


Michał Marcinkowski (University of Wrocław) - Mapping class groups and thecohomology of Homeo(M,vol)


The classical Gambaudo-Ghys construction, that produces quasimorphisms on Diff_0(M,vol) out of quasimorphisms on \pi_1(M), has various descriptions and generalisations. The one I would like to explain in this talk takes a class in the cohomology of the mapping class group of M and returns a class in the cohomology of Homeo(M,vol) (no zero in the subscript). We will give two descriptions: geometric and in the language of couplings. This construction allows to create a Euler-class-like cohomology classes in the cohomology of Homeo(S,vol) for a closed surface S. This is joint work with Michael Brandenbursky.


Thorben Kastenholz (KIT Karlsruhe) - The simplicial volume of manifolds fibering over simply-connected manifolds


It is a classical result that manifolds that are total spaces of  fiber bundles, whose fiber has amenable fundamental group, have vanishing simplicial volume. In this talk I will explore the opposite route, where the manifolds fiber non-trivially with arbitrary fiber over a simply-connected manifold. While a general answer seems to be out of reach, I will explain how one obtains vanishing results for many connected structure groups.

Proceedings of the WS20 seminars:

In this volume (this is a preliminary version, click here to visit the official page of the LMS) you may find the collection of all reports from seminars given during WS20. Since the Winter Semester 2020 was devoted to foundational topics, we hope this book will serve as a gentle introduction to young mathematicians working in the field to topics of current research interest.

Write us if you would like to be added to the mailing list!


bounded.cohomology (at)


Federica Bertolotti (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)

Kevin Li (Universität Regensburg)

Matthias Uschold (Universität Regensburg)

If you find any mistake, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers.