Download DiScord Radio Station

download discord radio station program radio

Discord Radio is an automated, AI-enabled, download-and-listen radio station. In the base package, with 220 audio books and several gigabytes of electronic music, the Discord Radio station is a talking "higher mind": the amount of her conversational knowledge exceeds that of a Computer Science academic. So, Einstein's memory capacity is estimated at 300 books on physics, and almost the same number of books in mp3 format are downloaded by default into the memory of this radio station, into its installation folder!

The features of the Discord Radio software station include:

- Loop playback of a folder with mp3 tracks, including subfolders, a standard mp3 player, Play and Next, Stop buttons

- Cyclic playback of a folder with audio books in mp3 format with interruptions, once every 10 minutes, to music, so, having a rest every 20 minutes, you can listen to many more audio books in your specialty, science and technology, and learn faster, these are those -same buttons Play and Next, Stop

- Automatic synthesis of good music from mp3 samples, also configurable in the config, you can generate music on the fly and not download, by default there are two sets of samples and two ready-made configs, classic good-sounding instruments and Electro-House style sounds, this is the beat button

- Automatic synthesis and scoring of rap in a parallel stream, in any language configured in the config, which can be applied on the fly to sounding music by pressing one button on the fly, the rap button, by default there is a micro-English config based on the Lojban dictionary and a comic config of the Russian mat

- Automatic smart jammer, speech recognition error generator for active anti-wiretapping and anti-biometrics, jam button

The history of the creation of this software radio is based on the idea of ​​capturing and broadcasting system audio to a voice discord channel, for listening to a smartphone anywhere in the world, with an audience of 100-200-1000 channel listeners. But after experimenting, it was decided to run the program in the "download-and-listen" format on a WIndows PC. Further, support for analytical sound was added to the program - playing audio books with interruptions to music, in the project of the same name of the higher mind. After that, a simple artificial intelligence for the synthesis of music and rap was added, on any instruments and in any languages, the ability to customize this synthesis for yourself, through simple JSON configuration files, was added, and, finally, a jammer was transferred to the program - an active acoustic suppressor of unwanted bugs and implants that use computer speech recognition, the radio may cause errors in such speech recognition programs.

The interface of the program is built on the principles of beauty, the absence of everything superfluous, ease of use and eye fatigue, since this program is designed for use every day and is designed to replace mp3 players Windows Media Player, Groove Music and WinAmp, as outdated and inferior in ideas, functionality and in the interface. The Discord Radio Player in the base distribution of the station is one of the best audio players for Windows PC on the planet today, and the author himself has been using it every day for about a year.


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