CHEAP internet search engine

CHEAP internet search engine for windows PC $15

Multi-Search engine is a search proxy server-demultiplexor for a Windows PC. This lightweight program polls several search engines and returns you the answers. Asking several search engines per query complicates hide of information and gives you needed results. Also, such search proxy makes searches untracebale: no cookies, no tracking javascript in a search, no browser screen resolution and other traces, no UserAgent string and no anything except your external IP address and search keywords transferred to the Internet search server in question. Tracking your searches is near impossible with this program. As an additional plus, the lightweight local multi-search proxy server filters out advertisements, banners and the search spam from the search engines outputs. Because of this three things, untrace, unhide and ad-free, the multi-search program is very usefull and becomes your favorite program ather three runs for a long years. The author really loves it and have started to use in a day he wrote it. Download working demo version of a multi-search engine with the cyber-file from the folder below.

Multi-search program and search output on the screen