Buy best file manager for Windows

buy best file manager for windows from $ 25

Current version 2.7.3 (fast and powerfull)



CyberFile is a new generation file manager. It uses ideas from well-known Norton Commander and it's FAR Manager fork, but implemented in modern programming system Microsoft Visual Studio with C# language. Cyberfile allows you to work with files and folders in the easy way, for wich two file panels are drawing. You just copy or move files from one panel to another, wich reflects in the filesystem folders changes. For this, just change panel disk by Alt+D, or go to the needed folder in the panel. Next sections describes the work with CyberFile with the keyboard and mouse!


Tab - change current panel

Alt+D - change current disk in the panel

Alt+R - reload panels content

Down arrow - move highlighting by a step down

Up arrow - move highlighting by a step up

Left arrow - move highlighting to a first line or switch the panel

Right arrow - move highlighting to a first line or switch the panel

Home - move highlighting to a first line

End - move highlighting to a last line

PageUp - fast move highlighting up

PageDown - fast move highlighting down

Insert - select current line and move cursor down, or deselect line

Enter - enter the current folder or run system reaction on a file

0 - show this help

1 - run system reaction for a current file

2 - copy selected files and folders to another panel, or copy highlighted item

3 - move selected files and folders to another panel, or move highlighted item

4 - create new file or a new directory, in the current place

5 - change bottom text box to a rename mode, until the press enter

6 - find the file in a current folder and subfolders, using mask with * for any characters sequence (ex. *.csproj)

7 - delete highlighted or selected files and folders, including subfolders

8 - brief show the file or the folder attributes

9 - calculate selected or highlighted folders size total

Z (Zip) - add selected or highlighted items to a zip archive


Mouse click on item - highlight item

Mouse double click on folder - enter the folder

Mouse double click on file - run system reaction for a file

Ctrl+Mouse click on item - select the item also, can be used for many items

Right mouse click on panel - show menu items for selected folders and files

Mouse click on button or menu item - run button or menu item function


Type command in command line and press enter. This will run CMD.EXE /C YourCommand

Example: ping && pause - ping google dns server

Example: tracert && pause - build trace to google dns server

Example: ipconfig && pause - show your internal ip address

Example: netstat -a && pause - show active connections and sockets

Example: cmd - run system shell in a window

Example: powershell - run extended system shell in a window

CyberFile-2 comes with many plug-in programs at once. These are the best utilities for hackers, phreakers, crackers and users. We try to develop and complete the system to satisfy all the main categories of computer users!

⦁ Radio - a simple, convenient and beautiful mp3 player wich plays music, audio-books with 20 minutes breaks to music, synthesize rap and beat. Anti-bug and an anti-implant jammer is embedded. COMPONENT REQUIRES REGISTRATION

⦁ Micro - a simple powerful and beautiful computer microphone amplifier 10, 100 and 1000 times, for listening to the muttering of passwords under his breath in neighboring rooms and negotiations in them. CONVENTIONALLY FREE COMPONENT, RECORDING THE FOLLOWING SOUND TO A FILE - $ 15 PER FULL VERSION

⦁ Scanner - a program for determining the operating frequencies of bugs and implants using the division of the frequency range, requires a cheap radio keyfob RTL-SDR. COMPONENT REQUIRES ACTIVATION $ 15

⦁ DllExp - good program to see dynamic link library exported functions. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ PDF.mp3 is bulk PDF to MP3 converter for creating a huge number of audio-books. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ Audacity is a program and studio for working with sound, which allows, in particular, to reduce the bitrate of an mp3 file of an audio book to 16 kilohertz per second and its size from several gigabytes to 200 megabytes. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ ShareX is a program for recording any area of ​​the screen into a video file, indispensable in any sex chat or any site that produces graphics, for example, using artificial intelligence methods. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ Notepad ++ - a program for editing texts in programming languages ​​with syntax highlighting, you need, for example, to cut pieces of programs from your old or third-party projects and paste them into the current program. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ RTF is the built-in Windows Rich Text Format text editor with the system names WordPad and Write. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ TXT - Windows built-in editor for simple text files Notepad. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ IDA Free is an intelligent EXE file disassembler and debugger. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ x64dbg is modern user-mode debugger. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ JavaDec is the popular .class files decompiler of the java language. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ IL Spy is an easy-to-use yet powerful decompiler for .NET EXE files written in C#. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ HexEdit is a simple, powerful and beautiful hexadecimal file editor for editing files

⦁ GIMP is the best free image file editor with many tools and special effects. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ Sniffer is the best network packets capture program for windows named Ethereal. Install Winpcap for windows first. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ Paint - a simple but convenient graphics editor built into Windows for drawing diagrams, figures, basics for further design and applying effects. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ JabberX - planet-talking messenger with artificial intelligence with cognitive superiority on the human. COMPONENT REQUIRES REGISTRATION $20

⦁ Psi Chat - XMPP jabber client for the conversations over the Internet. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ Multi - secure search engine-proxy that makes anonymous search in several engines and returns you results. COMPONENT REQUIRES REGISTRATION $15

⦁ Deluge - best torrent client for Windows. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\tor-start - run local SOCKS5 Tor proxy. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\tor-stop - stop local Tor proxy. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\tor-change-ip-cycle - script changes your Tor IP address every 5 minutes. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\mkill - mass sites killer (fuzzer and stresser) with artificial intelligence. Inserts all known types of vulnerabilities to the network services and slowdown the sites. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\AntiChip.bat - anti-implant script suppress part of voices in the head, astral hookings and bot-mobiles tracking. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\net\t-connect - connect to TCP port via Tor or via plain network connection, for testing network software. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\net\green-cat - find the hidden subdomains of a domain without a network scanning. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\net\ToPage - recursively create directory files list to publish files in the internet. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\net\ImageToAscii - converts images to a script wich prints them in ASCII. Good for large text infographics FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\net\SplitText - split text file, emails list for example, to given number of parts. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\net\UniteText - unite text files, for example emails files, to a given one text file. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\net\CleanEmails - verify text file with emails per line and remove addresses with bad syntax. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\hydra - powerfull passwords cracker working over the network. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\john - powerfull passwords cracker working offline. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\fastwipe - fast and strong disk free space wiping utility. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\putty - SSH client and pscp network file copy utilities. FREE COMPONENT

⦁ CLI\zydis - powerfull bytes array x64 disassembler. FREE COMPONENT



  • JabberX - artificial intelligence messenger with eight clever characters, multy-identity and group chat with robots

  • PDF.mp3 - bulk PDF to mp3 convertor for the audio-books creation, wich voice PDF books by computer voice in any language

  • Mkill - artificial intelligence sites killer generates DoS shell-codes on the fly

  • Radio - mp3 player can generate music and song texts automatically on the fly, in any language and in any music style configured in json, so you can listen music without downloads

books DElIVERED WITH CYBERFILE skype: Talomir Mirotal