The Sacred Book of Adam


I'm known as: Michael - The Chosen One - Ancient of Days - Elect One - Adam

As foretold by the scriptures who liveth amongst you now for these last days

45 And so it is written, The afirst man bAdam was made a living soul; the last cAdam was made a dquickening spirit

1 Corinthians 15:45


Written by one LIKE the Son of Man - The Chosen One - The Elect One - Ancient of Days - Adam

1 Look unto the Lord with every thought; Doubt Not, Fear Not.

 And you will know my name and the words spoken are foretold by all the prophets before you including I.  Technically I'm one "like the son of Man" or known as "Ancient of Days", Michael the Archangel as Daniel Prophesied. In Hebrew (Ben Adam or Son Adam). This sacred writing will be denied by many. And when most realize its truth and my allegiance with God the Father and Jesus Christ, it will be too late. 

To be perfectly clear. I give you a year (around 2nd coming) above BUT "No man knoweth the hour, NOT even Christ, ONLY the Father (Elohim). -Matthew 24:36 King James Version

2  I'm the great secret, (until these last days), chosen from the beginning of time sent back whom Daniel Prophesied of me in the last days (Daniel 12:1) to cast out satan and judge the gentile telestial world where many of you will live, in whom made your own bed. Live in the world but not of the filthy world and those amongst you. 

My story is unique and the wise man would listen to it. For again, I was not made aware of who I am and was also in disbelief when told in that great and yet dreadful day of October 22, 1996.  From what started as dry mouth to an accelerated heart rate, Christ spoke directly to me. I listened. I learned.

The pain became so terrible that I feared death on end in the hands of the Lord. At first however, Christ raised my heart rate and began to speak. Many things did happen that I cannot share with you at this time. 

I was also in a state of shock and disbelief for what I had heard. I felt his fire as it pierced throughout my soul. From my gut to my entire body and was terrified. All the while being told that I am "The Chosen One" of the world. I was sent back from the beginning much like the 2 Prophets that will be slayed in the streets of Israel (Revelation 11)

Later in the morning, I laid to rest and fell asleep for a short while. Christ awoke me by raising my heart rate again to a level I had never felt before. On two occasions while speaking to Christ he asked me what I wanted. My mind was clear, and I said "nothing." Christ asked again and I replied "to be happy". 

I regret saying that now as I look back at that day. I should have said to "Live with you Christ and Heavenly Father forever". But I didn't. I was later told by Christ that "every Prophet of God MUST go through this process." I was shown two more miracles that I cannot share with you at this time. 

This second pain described above, you will feel at his 2nd Coming. It will also be felt by the entire Telestial world for the 1000 year millennium. This torment will be daily. 

To be the Chosen One of the World was unfathomable and glorious. But to be cleansed with Christ's fire to be worthy as to remove all sins? Was terrifying, as my blood literally ran cold to protect from his wrath of fire.  Christ wanted me to understand what every human that comes to earth will face this inevitable fire REGARDLESS of who they are which includes me, The "Chosen One" of this world. 

You will be challenged beyond anything you can imagine. But you can prepare for it now as I was not prepared. For if Ye are prepared, Ye shall not fear. 

Having a broken heart and a contrite spirit will help. But do NOT wait. You must change your character and no longer be the enemy to God. 

A spiritual death is much greater than a physical death. It's one that no man can overcome as man's nature must be overcome with The Savior's cleansing at his 2nd Coming. The more wicked you are, the greater his wrath. You will plead for your life. I don't envy you. 

After sharing those things, I was then tested and pleaded for Christ to help me get through it as I could not bare it. You do not want to see this pain. It was my Great and Dreadful Day. And it cometh soon for you. 

To be clear. WE (mortals) all live on earth in this telestial world, however you do not need to be a part of it. Remove yourself and become a Celestial being in our current telestial world. For the world after this (Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial), you choose by your works for "Faith WITHOUT works is DEAD" -James 2 King James Version

3  No one will see me coming, except to those that God will reveal. I walk the earth now with my earthly wife. You know us originally as Adam and Eve. The same two who were in the Garden of Eden and cast out to live mortal lives in the last days.  And yes, we are here now. 

On April 2, 2013 Thomas S. Monson told me, "The Lord will make it known to you in due time" as I did not know who or what "The Chosen One" meant. I would not be told for another 6 years that I was Adam of the Old Testament by two Angels. 

And there are other prophets of old whom are amongst you now from the Old Testament. And I know NOT how many at this time. And this is the riddle: The two prophets whom are to be slayed and left in the streets as found in Revelation 11 and resurrected 3 days later are named Enoch. The other Prophet is John The Revelator. Neither saw death on this earth during their first mortal lives. (Revelation 11).

One of them represents the two olive trees, the other, the two candlesticks. They, like me, are on the earth and protected. They live in the old world, I in the new. Unlike them, I will not see death on this earth (again) as I died after 930 years.  

The scriptures are literal not a metaphor. 

4  For I was a normal child in this earth life at the end of the 6th seal and became a man near the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, with a big heart, who would eventually succumb to many of the worldly things throughout my (3rd) life. 

Remember, Eve and I never had a childhood as we were born adults until this dispensation. Christ revealed to me by the power of the Holy Ghost that He waited until my Twenty Eighth year on this final earth life as I "could not handle or comprehend the truth beforehand" (of whom I was, Adam, Chosen one). He wanted me to have a normal life as to give me free agency with "the veil on as to not see".  I'm grateful He did as I would not have lived the same life and would have made different decisions before hand. I needed to be without full knowledge of his existence. 

5  40 literal years would pass since 1968 before I would finally would remove unrighteous thoughts and endear the Holy Ghost and to overcome satan and his great deception as the veil is finally being lifted on this earth life and now I can see. However I still sin as I'm not perfect like our Lord and Savior in Heaven. Do not put any man on a pedestal including me Adam for man is the enemy to God.

I will be merciful to all Men when I become the judge of the Gentiles knowing your ways, just years now before the 2nd coming of our Lord and Savior.

When Isaiah wrote these words from the Lords mouth, they were  specifically to me. (Isaiah 42) For I am the elect one whom Christ spoke of 700 years to Isaiah before the birth of the Messiah. I am Adam whom you know also as Michael the Archangel and I live amongst you. Open your eyes and you shall see. 

7  Through the redemption of Jesus Christ WE all can have our sins removed every time we repent through his great sacrifice and dying on the cross then being resurrected for all mankind that we may begin a new life on earth each time we repent and ask true forgiveness and FORSAKE IT forever more and begin a new life starting at this moment. This is the key.

8  I'm known as Adam who is Michael the Archangel, The Chosen One, Son of Man. My middle name is Jon. (Revelation 1 revealeth me in the last days) Pay close attention to this: 

Revelation 1: Verse 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man (One LIKE UNTO the Son of Man is Adam), clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle

I have a new name on earth now to disguise me and I'm (currently) forbidden to share my current earth name to the world.  I did not know whom I was at birth here on earth and was ONLY PARTLY reminded whom I was on October 22, 1996 being told by Jesus Christ himself. 

To be clear -- I know my earth parents and family here but had no idea I was Adam who lived in the garden until "days" ago - Some 50 years later. The light in Christ is now with me like never before. I also can see real angels living amongst me (Ariokh and Mariokh) protecting my current residence. There are others amongst you now as is the great deception. The filth in the air is hard to endure but ye must.

Turn to God (Elohim) and his beloved SON Jesus Christ WHOM I both KNOW. It's through the Savior and SAVIOR ONLY that you can be SAVED and there is no other way. However it's by WORKS that you must do daily to reach the highest degree of glory to become an exalted being and live in Celestial Kingdom. It should be the ONLY thing you care about not allowing to be blinded by the craftiness of man.

 Remove yourself for your sinful life or you WILL suffer the consequences ETERNALLY. I bare witness of this fact and have seen death face to face while speaking to the Lord directly while only hearing his voice in my last reign. You will not be able to endure this pain, even without seeing him. No man can without being found spotless before speaking to God. The closer you are to being spotless the less his glory will burn you. Christ is pure light which is the "fire" that burns whatever he wishes to consume. 

YOU MUST DO THIS. I beg you in the name of GOD to become spotless to be ready for that time for the pain you will endure more than you can handle if you do not.

10  It would take another 22 years after that (1996 day) in which I would find out exactly who I am.  I owe all my glory to The GOD'S in Heaven and Their Angels. Specifically God the Father, Elohim, and Jesus Christ, The Son of God. 

11  I have owned the sacred Priesthoods of Aaronic and Melchizedek before the world was formed. And it's by these two Priesthoods that allow you to act in the name of God and there is no other way. This is the law.

12 I make a promise to you now. That if you have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. You get baptized under full immersion by a Priesthood Holder of the office of Aaron for the remission of sins, then receive by the laying of the hands for the Gift of the Holy Ghost by someone with the Melchizedek Priesthood, AND THEN ENDURE TO THE END NO MATTER WHAT? (John 3:5 KJV as baptism is mandatory to enter the Kingdom of God)

You WILL WIN over the evil serpent who is the devil known as satan who also had this very chance you do and chose when given power to become greater than our Heavenly Father so that He could take over the world forever, but was removed and cast out forever from heaven from our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ!! THANK GOD!!!!!!! And you will then know and understand a world that surpasses all understanding and comprehension in your next life which is eternal. 

“The priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed” (Teachings, p. 157).

 I was foretold by Daniel Chapter 7 verse 13: 

13 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him (I was brought here to live as a mortal man before Christ's 2nd coming).

I am the Archangel (Michael) because of the dome above you. (Isaiah 40:22)

The prophecy in The Book of Numbers (Moses). "For forty years—one year for each of the forty days you explored the land—you will suffer for your sins and know what it is like to have me against you." "Just as Adam did so as I Moses." (The King James version does not contain these final words and were removed in translation). Those were written in this section with 2 sources: I'm also known as Adam-I-Safi or "The Chosen One"

14. Moses prophecy came true. I did "explore" the land for 40 years and I did suffer greatly as I did not obey the commandments of the Lord.  

15. God has a sense of humor. THEY (God the Father and Jesus Christ). 

16. Line 16 has been removed from you through Revelation. 

God the Father = Elohim

Son of God = Jesus Christ

Like the Son of Man, Son of a Woman = Adam/Michael/________ I'm forbidden to give my current earth name.

Many scriptures in the New Testament King James Version in Matthew, Mark and Luke use "Son of Man" as in the Lord Jesus Christ. While John speaks of "Like the Son of Man". (Wikipedia editors claim that "One Like the Son of Man" is Jesus Christ which is incorrect). 

I was foretold in Revelation 1:17 

17 And when I saw him (Son of Man, Adam), I fell at his feet as dead. And he (Adam) laid his right hand upon me (John), saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last generation (but NOT the Alpha and Omega). 

1  I am the first (and the last) born from the creation of God the Father, Elohim and Jesus Christ his beloved son and whom is the final judge of the world. For beside him, there is NO OTHER SAVIOR.  WE OWE THEM HIM EVERYTHING for we cease to exist without Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. 

2  For I was brought back on earth to bring forth the final moments in our current Telestial state which I also lived as, of whom eventually I will be the God of that world called the Telestial Kingdom (Book of Enoch, Chapter 61) (Doctrine and Covenants 107:54-57) which will be brought forth before during and after the 1000 year millennium. 

3 For I was Adam, who is Angel Michael who is now named : ____________________

4 My wife was Eve who's now named: ________________

5 Both of our names have been removed to protect us at this time in the year 2019 until God has given me the OK to reveal us unto you and for these writing to become known unto the world.

6 Ultimately derived from Hebrew אדם ('Adam) meaning "to be red" because of my skin color that can burn and my brides partial hair color as she received my rib. Not that I (Son of Man) have red hair as some translations have proposed. 

7 I (Adam of the Old Testament) have brownish grey hair (at this time) with blue eyes. Eve is a blonde with blue eyes. I testify under the laws and oaths of God this is true even today in this year of 2019.

8 I live as a mortal man living amongst you with the same aches, pains and struggles you have, with wife and my family. My bride also knows whom she is by which she was also told by the Holy Ghost. In wrapping our heads around this we understand who we are and our responsibilities on this earth. And ye shall know the truth when the Lord sees fit.

9 "Prayers often refer to this role of Michael (Adam, One Like the Son of Man, Chosen One). In his third role, he weighs souls in his perfectly balanced scales. For this reason, Michael is often depicted holding scales".

10 I was born in the fall of October. The Eleventh, 1968 of this new earth life given by God. (Another role that I agreed to play before the world was created).

11 I will be in charge of the entire glorified but lesser world where the filthy will live forever called The Telestial Kingdom together forever and forever Amen 

12. I will NEVER be above God the Father or Jesus Christ. Not ever. And I rejoice over this!!!!!!!!!!!! The Savior is my master for eternity and yours too! 

And God The Father (Elohim) is The Savior's God and My God and YOURS, FOREVER and EVER, regardless of what degree of glory you go to. 

I was foretold in the Book of Enoch Chapter 61

 1 Thus the Lord commanded the kings, the princes, the exalted, and those who dwell on earth, saying, Open your eyes, and lift up your horns, if you are capable of comprehending the Elect One (Chosen One, Adam).

2 The Lord of spirits sat upon the throne of his glory.

3 And the spirit of righteousness was poured out over him.

4 The word of his mouth shall destroy all the sinners and all the ungodly, who shall perish at his presence.

5 In that day shall all the kings, the princes, the exalted, and those who possess the earth, stand up, behold, and perceive, that he is sitting on the throne of his glory; that before him the saints shall be judged in righteousness;

6 And that nothing, which shall be spoken before him, shall be spoken in vain.

7 Trouble shall come upon them, as upon a woman in travail, whose labor is severe, when her child comes to the mouth of the womb, and she finds it difficult to bring forth.

8 One portion of them shall look upon another. They shall be astonished, and shall humble their countenance;

9 And trouble shall seize them, when they shall behold this Son of woman sitting upon the throne of his glory.

10 Then shall the kings, the princes, and all who possess the earth, glorify him who has dominion over all things, him who was concealed; for from the beginning the Son of man (Adam) existed in secret, whom the Most High preserved in the presence of his power, and revealed to the elect.

11 He shall sow the congregation of the saints, and of the elect; and all the elect shall stand before him in that day.

12 All the kings, the princes, the exalted, and those who rule over all the earth, shall fall down on their faces before him, and shall worship him (Like the Son of Man, Adam, Archangel Michael, Chosen one, Ben Adam, Son of a Woman).

13 They shall fix their hopes on this Son of man, shall pray to him, and petition him for mercy.

14 Then shall the Lord of spirits hasten to expel them from his presence. Their faces shall be full of confusion, and their faces shall darkness cover. The angels shall take them to punishment, that vengeance may be inflicted on those who have oppressed his children and his elect. And they shall become an example to the saints and to his elect. Through them shall these be made joyful; for the anger of the Lord of spirits shall rest upon them.

15 Then the sword of the Lord of spirits shall be drunk with their blood; but the saints and elect shall be safe in that day; nor the face of the sinners and the ungodly shall they then hence forwards behold.

16 The Lord of spirits shall remain over them:

17 And with this Son of man (Adam) shall they dwell, eat, lie down, and rise up, for ever and ever. (Telestial Kingdom)

18 The saints and the elect have arisen from the earth, have left off to depress their countenances, and have been clothed with the garment of life. That garment of life is with the Lord of spirits, in whose presence your garment shall not wax old, nor shall your glory diminish.

19 And it has given me great pleasure to write to you now and rejoice from this. JESUS IS THE CHRIST!!!!!! HE IS THE MESSIAH!!! THE Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints is Truth! Joseph Smith was/IS a Prophet and sits on a throne now with God.  Rejoice I SAY!!!!!!!!!

20 For I am the 3rd in the Priesthood line. My father Elohim, followed by Jesus Christ then I. And I will never give up my place or authority forever. AMEN.

21 For I live as a mortal man among you now on this 26th day in February, Two Thousand and Nineteen. I have avoided death on many occasions and I will never see death on this earth (again). 

22 And AGAIN, My story is unique and the wise man would listen to it. For again, I was not made aware of who I am and was also in disbelief when told in that great and yet dreadful day of October 22, 1996.  The pain became so terrible that I feared death for hours on end. You do not want to see this pain. You will not be able to bear it. And it cometh soon. 

23 I would deny the (1996) experience after consulting many of my close friends and family only to be ridiculed, mocked and hassled. I would eventually lose everything near and dear to me including my own son because I began to realize and steam roll who I was as you see, even I Adam, to deny the entire experience for a short time. Knowing your ways in these last days I can understand how difficult life is and will be mindful of that when I become the judge of you as spoken in The Book of Enoch Chapter 61. You must not be doubtful as God hears all. Do not be afraid for if you live the commandments of the Lord, you will be watched over and protected. Immediate results will not come. You must endure and prove yourself and be patient. This is the Law of God. 

I know all the secrets on earth that many cannot accept including that no man can reach the moon (just as Joseph Fielding Smith taught but was ridiculed) as it's a luminary (Terrestrial Light) from God placed in the firmament and nothing can land on it (See Genesis 1).  And there is a tent or dome above you that cannot be penetrated by Man. For anyone whom say they have been telleth a lie. (Isaiah 40:22), (2nd Book of Enoch), Revelation 9:11, beware of anything associated with Apollo, (Apollyon in Greek) as it comes from the bottomless pit in the last days. 

(Apollo is the anti-Christ and his name has also been changed) Apollo whose real name is ___________________I'm forbidden to tell you at this time as HE lives amongst you now. I bare witness to this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Apollo was Gilgamesh who is Nimrod (amongst other names) (2/3 god, 1/3 man) (66.6 percent god) (666) (son of Cush whose father was Ham, The Curse of Ham) of the Old Testament and lives amongst you now as a "mortal man" in 2019. (Like me, Apollo whose name will be known to you in due time). He (Apollo) also was told whom he is in these last days. He is filthy and by his fruits you KNOW HIM already.  

24 During the that 1996 experience Christ came to me on the early morning and announced to me as I drove that I am "The Chosen One". 

25 __________ "You are the chosen one". (Christ would not at that time however tell me I was Adam of the Old Testament).  As I continued to drive, Christ himself would manifest unto me just who I am and in my 28th year of existence.  A miracle was shown unto me as I drove that I share not at this time for it concern you not.  The Savior continued to tell me over and over that I was The Chosen One and it was my great and dreadful day.

Many more miracles I did see on that day that I cannot share with you. 

26 ON this day I was tested by the Lord and overcame. I saw death and faced it and overcame with the help of our Mighty Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I also heard all the Angels in Heaven as they cheered for me. I also saw the entire world look at me. It was at that moment I felt the glory of ETERNAL LIFE and God's glory and forgiveness. It goes beyond all comprehension and understanding. 

27 The Lord showed his mercy on me as I fulfilled my promise to  Christ and Elohim before the creation of the earth. 

28 Christ would bare witness to me on that day and proclaim that I have been chosen above all others on earth and I would/did not fully embrace this calling for 22 more years or in February of 2019.  While in the literal bosom of Christ, on the 22nd day of February 2019, two angels spoke to me and bore witness of who I am in the early morning hours after being awaken by them.  For the secret number (God's number) revealed to you now is 22. Beware of it from now on as on this day of each month of each year things will be made known to you. 

They also told me secrets that I cannot share at this time. And I KNEW. And a joy overcame me unlike anytime on earth. For again, it surpasses all understanding. And from this day forward I bare witness that Jesus is the Christ and deny him not forever and ever. 

Come to him now making no excuse(s) anymore.  Also remember that when ye are feeling sick and uneasy? This is the time soon ahead that God will make things known to you. Become spotless and allow him or the Holy Ghost to bear witness and manifest the truth to you, for by the power of the Holy Ghost YE may know the truth of ALL THINGS. 

29 I will do nothing to compromise God neither should you. I will herald along side the Lord and Savior at the 2nd Coming and you will know us. 

I leave you with this thought to comprehend what the past 50 years have been living as a mortal Telestial man and at times a filthy life at times which I no longer am. I can only look to Moses Chapter 1 verse 20 to describe these pains:

     And it came to pass that Moses began to fear exceedingly; and as he began to fear, he saw the bitterness of hell. Nevertheless, calling upon God, he received strength, and he commanded, saying: Depart from me, Satan, for this one God only will I worship, which is the God of glory.

30  For I the Lord cannot look upon asin with the least degree of allowance; including my Chosen One (Adam-I-Safi name in Islam) Adam. No man has any lenience regardless of whom he is.  

31 On this day I bare witness of Jesus Christ and give a record unto you this is true so help me Almighty God. 

32 I am to give you these laws now. They effect you now regardless of what Kingdom you are given by the Savior. Names have been given to me by the power of the Holy Ghost. Please read the Laws of the Telestial Kingdom: