Book III

1 You have been given many books of scripture but ye still deny. Why? You are hardened in your ways and trust man over God.

2 Another testament of Jesus Christ has been amongst you and yet you deny it. The Book of Mormon. You deny it because you choose not the higher law. You trust man's opinion on and offline. Satan has blinded you by the craftiness of Man. Go read for yourself now.

Joseph Smith, the great prophet of the last days brought forth this book from golden plates that are real. But the sign seeker wanted to see those plates. Therefore they were never to be brought forth. I testify that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Take heed in the Book of Mormon as it is the most correct of any book on earth and will bring you closer to God the Father and Jesus Christ than any other. I bare witness to that now. For I am the 2nd witness to bare this truth in another book.

3 I was told by an angel of God that dreams are given to learn from. Remember this law. It is the great secret. To test you in every situation and life experience. I had also wondered this. And now WE know. God had prepared these dreams before you were born. He knew you then and knows you now. Everyone of you even down to the pebble at the beach for HE createth everything. There is no strand of hair God not knoweth.

4 I know how God the Father came to be and this is the great secret. I shall not tell you now or forever more. I share this with you to let you this is not a video game. You are not an experiment. Never forget this as you will be blinded.

5 For what goes up must come down which also includes the Karman line which is man's great lie. ALWAYS find the middle ground forever. This has always been the great secret and is the law.

6 Dreams are tests for you to learn from, not to be judged from. Remember them, write them down and conquer yourself in real life so that you may overcome them in the dream state and in reality.

7 In these last days I live on earth people have forgotten God. The sabbath day is just another day for most. God wants us all to remember this day. For it is on Sunday not Saturday as some translations/religions claim and is easily proven in scripture.

8 Remember to keep the sabbath day holy. Do not shop or spend money. Rest and be mindful of God and enjoy this day. You can travel and serve others but live the higher law by not spending on food, drink, or telestial things.

9 And when you see those things around you out of balance, bring them back in. The metaphor is if she is down bring her back. If he is too high, bring him back. For the wise man know that being to high or low is not of God. Balance is everything including your mentality, food and what you think. The number of 3 should come to mind. This is one of God's favorite numbers for in the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses shall every word be established. Remember the antichrist comes as one. And this is filthy. He is here now and you know him.

10 Your desire of too much and excess is your demise. You will always fail. PUT God first, live a modest life, always choose right over wrong and ye shall not fail. If you do not abide but this as most of do not. You will not lead the life or calling you righteously deserve or it will be postponed until you are tired of yourself and your filthy actions.

11 In the words of Isaiah also found in 2 Nephi 12:9-10

And the mean man boweth not down, and the great man humbleth himself not, therefore, forgive him not.

O ye wicked ones, enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for the fear of the Lord and the glory of his majesty shall smite thee.

12 And take heed unto these words for the year 2041 is coming. This is not the final hour for no man knoweth (Matthew 24:36) only God the Father, not even Jesus Christ. But it is in this hour that my 3rd dispensation is over. For every man woman and child have a 3rd dispensation regardless of their death age. For this is God's law. And he cometh quickly.

13 And it is given unto to me now that ye should start over this (book I) and read from the beginning for a message you will know when you readeth that applies directly to you. Do it now. Amen