
Here is a small compilation of things that have been useful/inspiring for me, both personally as well as in my works.




The Evolution of Trust


The Age of Earthquakes, A Guide to the Extreme Present - Douglas Coupland, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Shumon Basar

The Medium Is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects - Marshall McLuhan

Disappearance Diary - Hideo Azuma

Everyone's a Aliebn When Ur a Aliebn Too - Jomny Sun

The Dark Knight Returns - Frank Miller

Blacksad - Juan Diaz Canales


To be fully human is to reject a system that conditions your pleasure on someone else's pain ...I believe we all want to be fully human. - Prof. Robert Jensen

...there are no strangers. There are only versions of ourselves, many of which we have not embraced, most of which we wish to protect ourselves from. For the stranger is not foreign, she is random; not alien but remembered; and it is the randomness of the encounter with our already known — although unacknowledged — selves that summons a ripple of alarm. That makes us reject the figure and the emotions it provokes—especially when these emotions are profound. - Toni Morrison