About Me


I completed my bachelor of science (2010 - 2015), master of science (2015 - 2017) and doctor of philosophy (2017 - 2022) at the St. George campus of University of Toronto. All my degrees are in electrical and computer engineering). 

I am someone who is interested in all aspects of technology, particularly those that mesh well with high-powered mathematical analysis. During my undergrad I have performed various research projects in the field of power engineering, robotics, biomedical signal processing. My interest eventually carried me to systems control engineering, a field broad enough to allow me to explore whatever happens to piques my interest. 

My research lies at the intersection between game theory, machine learning and control theory and their applications. More specifically, I have been interested in:

The research I feel most passionate about is applying computational techniques to analyze people and society. I see my past work in game theory as a foray into my long term vision, which is to algorthmatize research from the "soft sciences" and develop technology that can aid people in health, therapy, social work, and better society. 



IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC) consists of high-quality papers on the theory, design, and applications of control engineering 

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) contains research articles on the mathematics and applications of control theory and on those parts of optimization theory concerned with the dynamics of deterministic or stochastic systems in continuous or discrete time or otherwise dealing with differential equations, dynamics, infinite-dimensional spaces, or fundamental issues in variational analysis and geometry.


IEEE Control and Decision Conference (CDC) is recognized as the premier scientific and engineering conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and control.  


B. Gao and L. Pavel, “On the Properties of the Softmax Function with Application in Game Theory and Reinforcement Learning”, arXiv:1704.00805 [math], Apr. 2017.


As a teaching assistant

Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI

Optimization and Control 

Communication engineering and signal processing




As a volunteer for Engineering Strategies and Practice (ESP) at UofT, I developed multiple engineering design projects for first-year engineering students. Some of the projects included: [A game playing machine that tests human reaction], [An alarm clock that cannot turn off unless the user is awake], [A system for wild animal detection and avoidance], [A smart fridge or recipe recommendation pipeline for the stuck-at-home cook],  [A device or system for making friends at the University of Toronto].


2013 – 2014 Intern, Power System Planning, Ontario Power Authority                                                                              


2021       Doctoral  Completion Award

2019       University of Toronto Travel Award $1120

2018       Control and Decision (CDC) conference student travel award $400

2015-17  Ontario Graduate Scholarship 

2014       UofT IBBME Laboratory Development Fund – Funding for completion of 3D printed robotic arm and hardware assembly 

2014       UofT Max Weber Undergraduate Award in Sociology – Awards are given to the students achieving the five top grades in St. George sections of SOC101Y Introduction to Sociology 


I had a relatively late start on many technical skills. My first contact with computer programming was when I started my undergraduate at UofT. I have picked up a tremendous amount of programming languages over the years, such as C, C++, Java, Scheme/Racket, Haskell, VB.Net, VBA, SQL, Bash (Shell), Rust. However, the only language that I use in practice is Python. 

Programming Languages        Python

Machine Learning Libraries   Tensorflow, Pytorch, Keras, JAX/Objax, Sci-kit learn

Software Design Tools              MATLAB (Simulink), Microsoft Excel (VBA), Google Colab, Visual Studio, PyCharm

Hardware Design Tools            Arduino Uno, Xilinx FGPA, Pspice, AutoCad

Operating Systems                   Windows, Unix, MacOS


I'm quite enthusiastic about learning different languages. Whenever I travel outside of North America, I would try to learn as much of the local language as possible and converse with the locals. 

Technically conversant        English 

Everyday conversant           Chinese 

Other                                      Spanish (Living in Texas), 

                                                Japanese (Audits)

                                                German (Friends from my ESL class)

                                                Italian (When in Rome...)

                                                French (Living in Canada)

                                                Korean (Self-Study)