Programs of Research (10/26/23):

I decided to look into author number (2), "Ruth Dobson".  I chose to look into this article more because it was written recently in 2018 and she is also one of the authors I found studying the same topic as me. I did end up finding her website, however, it is very brief and there isn't much on her personal background. There are however lots of articles that she is affiliated with. Most of the sources she is on is relating to both Multiple Sclerosis and pregnancy. There are also 4-5 extra peer reviews that she has done non-relating to her main topics.  She has her email listed and information listed on her sources as well. If you look her up on the internet, she seems to be a pretty well-known and accredited researcher in neurology. She is currently studying at Queen Mary University of London in the UK MS Pregnancy Register, and a multi-ethnic genetics study in MS. She seems to be interested in the role of modifiable factors such as the Epstein-Barr virus and vitamin D levels involved with the development of MS and its subsequent complications. She completed her PhD in 2013 and is still studying neurology and is currently the leader of many different emerging research papers. 

After looking at 2 of her other papers, I realized that she enjoys studying topics with both MS and Pregnancy. 2 of her other sources that I opened were related to people going through pregnancy while having MS. MS greatly effects women during pregnancy and Dobsons goal is to find new treatments and therapies to decrease the number of diseases, pain, and or stress for them.

https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2993-585X (Dobsons linked Website)

https://www.qmul.ac.uk/wiph/people/profiles/dobson-ruth.html (University Page of Info for Dobson)