Mouse Behavioral Scoring

11/9/23: Mouse Behavioral Scoring

I measured anxiety in these videos by starting a timer every time the mice were on the edges versus in the middle. I also would tally every time they would go to the middle. The criteria of the timing is when the mouse leaves the wall. My primary output measures the ratio of time on the outside to the time in the middle.


Time on the outside (less anxious)- 4min 35sec

Time on the inside (more anxious)-  32.7sec

Tally of times the mouse left the outside: 6


Time on the outside (less anxious)- 4min 43sec

Time on the inside (more anxious)-  31.7

Tally of times the mouse left the outside: 5


Time on the outside (less anxious)- 4min 20sec

Time on the inside (more anxious)-  50.7sec

Tally of times the mouse left the outside: 12


Time on the outside (less anxious)- 4min 12sec

Time on the inside (more anxious)-  1min 1sec

Tally of times the mouse left the outside: 12

The general behavior of the mice is that they spent the majority of the time on the outside of the circle cage and sometimes would go in the middle to cut across.