
Fundraising successes

The parent council Dunsyre Duck Race on May 2024.

We raised over £1346 profit towards the parent council funds.

A 118% increase on last year's Duck Race. Thanks to the brilliant organisers and all who took part and made it such a success!

FAMILY FILM NIGHT - Friday 16th February 2024

We showed Super Mario, and welcomed over 100 people from the school and our local community to the Biggar Corn Exchange.

We raised over £500 profit towards the parent council funds.

Huge thank you to Helen, James, Claire, Nadia, Gregor, Trina and all the other helpers and attendees. 


We were successsful in an application to the Loaningdale School Company to support plans for theatre trip for all the school,

We received £800 for the trip(s).

Well done to Helen for a cracking application!

Over 40 people joined us for our CAR TREASURE HUNT on 30th September 2023

It was a fun packed day with an incredible car treasure hunt around Black Mount, Quothquan and Biggar followed by pizza, drinks and baking in the School's hall and community garden.

We raised over £250 towards the developing the community garden.

Huge thanks to Angela and Katie for organising, Andrew and Tricky for pizza-making and all the many parent helpers who chipped in.

Our joint walk with The Black Mount Social Group on 26th August 2023 was open to donations towards the Social Group's annual Fireworks in Dolphinton and Senior Citizen's Christmas Dinner and managed to raise more than £265 towards these activities.

The parent council Dunsyre Duck Race on May 2023 raised over £614 towards parent council activities. Thanks to the organisers and all who took part.

We are delighted that Black Mount Community Council have awarded us £500 towards tools and equipment for our outdoor space. We will update once we have ordered everything and look forward to planning in some community gardening at the school!

Biggar Farmers Club have kindly donated £1000 towards our rebuild of the school pagoda/gazebo that burned down shortly before the school moved to the new site in 2019.

We were successsful in an application to the Building and Celebrating Communities Fund to support our plans for the outdoor space and received £2500 towards a number of improvements to the outdoor space including sports equipment and a polytunnel.

Fundraising wishlist

We are keen to involve the children as much as possible and the school will be working with them soon to identify a new goal for our fundraising activities in 2023-24. We are also building a wishlist of school and parent council wants/needs - see here -->

If you have anything from this list just lying around get in touch with us: Thank you!

2022-23 Fundraising wishlist