Black Mount primary parent council



The parent council for Black Mount Primary School will use this site to offer updates on our activities to the wider parent forum and our community.



About us

Chair - Emma Ives

Vice-chair -  Nick Tucker

Treasurer -  Catriona Malone

Current members - Alison Boyd, Dan Brunton, Fiona Cauchi, Gregor Doyle, Katie Hobbs, Andy Hudson, Kirsten Jenkins, Jim Kinloch, Corrie Ward, Helen Ward, Christine Watson and Ellen McCann.

*this list is correct as of 15/03/24

Read our Chair & Treasurer's reports for 2022-23 here

Upcoming parent council meeting dates for 2023-24

The parent council try to meet monthly, excluding holiday times. Meetings are held at Black Mount Primary School (unless otherwise stated) the next meetings are: 

6-8pm, 20th June 2024 TBC

  Check out upcoming events by CLICKING HERE

Find out about our latest fundraising efforts HERE


Useful links