I. To provide education and access to various types of art


1. Establish student paced online schools and courses that range from free to paid services 

2. Provide access to free music online

3. Provide access to free films online

4. Provide access to free gaming 

5. Provide access to free animations online

II. To be efficient with our approach to business 


1. Establish realistic short and long-term goals

2. Effective communication

3. Access empathy and understanding when collaborating

4. Develop systems and structures based on the capabilities of our team

III. Embrace diversity by being inclusive


1. Respecting one another's similarities and differences

2. Honoring that we all have a voice

3. Commitment to contribute to virtual collaborations

IV. To occupy space within the online community


1. Establish our network to include a virtual organization

2. Provide free information and resources 

V. To provide equitable resources in the virtual space


1. Network with internet resources

2. Diversify content so that there is a range of free and paid content

3. Establish various platforms for content to be accessed