Mobile Professional Development (MPD)

Professional Development (PD) is the required continuing education of our network, here at Blu Network we provide MPD for our staff and our schools network; for our educators we have a tailored MPD program that will guide them in the development of education scholar course content and data tracking

Why MPD?

Mobile Professional Development is the future of professional development as it reduces the amount of time spent in meetings 

Who participates in MPD?

Everyone within a network is required to participate in MPD in some capacity

Where does MPD occur?

MPD occurs online

What is MPD??

Mobile Professional Development is just that it is professional development that occurs on the go

When should MPD be conducted?

At Blu Network we limit our MPD's to once monthly

How does MPD work?

MPD requires that professional development organizers design their professional developments by being mindful of the cognitive abilities of others

What does MPD look like??

MPD Workshop.pdf

Click here to listen to our MPD Workshop