Ms. T/Ms. T.Smith our network Founder and now Director Of Infrastructure (D.O.I.) was born in the inner city where she academically attended both private and public school, it was there that she was introduced to science and occult practices. It was also during this time that she began listening to music on record players and playing the original video gaming systems Merlin, Intellivision and Atari. It was her keen ear for music that resulted in her ordering music audio tapes from the music distribution company BMG. When she entered the 6th grade, she was enrolled in her middle school band where she played the flute alongside the 8th grade students. While in the 7th and part of her 8th grade year she began working on IBM computers and learning how to hack and play PC games like digger. By the time she entered high school she had to make a choice to either continue with her music or join the military by way of JROTC, although this was a difficult decision she chose to join the military. Her interest in technology continued to grow by her talking on the phone, she was so connected to her friends that she would use MCI and AT&T calling cards on pay phones to remain connected when outdoors and from there she then purchased a beeper from a newly opened cellular store. Landlines and Cable TV were now a way of life at home, it was also during this time that she would play Nintendo's Super Mario World, Tetris and Dr. Mario with her friends after school and listen to music by way of CD's. 

As a single mother she enrolled in community college where she began taking computer classes and learned how to operate and install Windows Operating Systems & Microsoft Office Software; she would later enroll in the practical nursing program. Although she observed the technology being available while in nursing school when she graduated, the technology was removed out of the nursing home that she worked for, and the nurses were all forced to hand-write all of their nursing notes on their patients. 

She initially thought that she would continue down the path of healthcare, so she attended undergrad where she majored in Biology; it was here where she also learned about computer security including firewall operations as well as how to install and operate anti-virus software. Upon graduation she had ambitions of becoming a physician and enrolled in graduate school where she majored in Biomedical Sciences, it was here that she deepened her knowledge of how to conduct research online. From there she began working as an Adjunct Professor where she taught science courses to non-traditional students enrolled in various academic programs. Moreover, she began the initial development of designing coursework that was made available for students online. Furthermore, she began developing her first mobile application using a no-coding application building software that she made available for her students. She then applied those learned skills to the building of her first website that was dedicated to educating individuals on the importance in managing their health so that they can thereby advocate for themselves when engaging with healthcare professionals; she also began learning about social media marketing. 

She then began teaching in urban areas, but the challenge was the limitation of technology availability, so she had to make every opportunity count. She taught scholars how to operate software for the creation of spreadsheets and the generation of graphs to analyze, as well as the development of presentations. When she identified learning gaps, she began working on her professional development for the designing and engineering of content for diverse learner's. When she wasn't teaching, in her spare time she designed and remixed animations utilizing gaming software, participated in the development of a mobile gaming trafficking system as well as the beta development of a mobile gaming application. She then took a 3-year hiatus from teaching to design, develop and engineer the online component of our network, Ms. T/Ms. T.Smith is certified in: