So it was with high hopes for a rejuvenation of this lost genre that 'Blood Diamond' first hit theaters last Christmas. Produced on a budget of over $100 million, it had all the earmarks of the kind of prestigious, high-minded epic that Hollywood used to consider a sure-fire blockbuster. Tackling the controversial topic of the lucrative blood diamond trade that left Africa on the brink of a civil war, it featured an all-star, Oscar-decorated cast (Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly, Djimon Hounsou), shepherded by a director, Edward Zwick ('Courage Under Fire,' 'Last Samurai') famed for taking tough subject matter and making it palatable for the masses. But for whatever reason, 'Blood Diamond' failed to truly captivate critics and audiences, turning in a still-decent but unspectacular $56 million in domestic box office receipts.

'Blood Diamond' is certainly an ambitious effort, and is as much an intense (and unremittingly violent) thriller as it is a political polemic. Danny Archer (DiCaprio, with a thick Zimbabwian accent) is a mercenary, aware of the blood-stained trails of the diamond trade but simply too cynical to care. Soloman Vandy (Hounsou, again one of the most commanding screen presences around) is a farmer who will watch as his wife and child are kidnapped by one of the many bands of opportunistic local rebels who, covertly funded by the corporations behind the diamond trade, have no compunction against the robbing, raping and murdering of thousands in the name of profit. But after Vandy stumbles upon a fabled "blood diamond" worth millions, Archer will soon get wind of it and attempt to strike a deal. In exchange for the rescue of Vandy's family, Archer will be led to the location of the valuable gem.

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In the middle of all this comes American photo-journalistic Maddy Bowen(Connelly). She's noble and ambitious, of course, but also a bit naive -- virtues that Archer immediately pounces upon. Bowen's journey will become a travelogue of atrocity, as she bravely endeavors to cover both the ravages the blood diamond trade is having on families like Soloman's, and the inter-workings of the mercenary trade that Archer reluctantly agrees to expose to her. The optimistic climax, if wholly unbelievable, is probably all that Hollywood could get away with considering the grim subject matter.

The script and Zwick are most successful in the use of parallel to heighten the drama between the three main characters. Soloman will do anything to rescue the family that was torn away from him; Archer watched his family be butchered at a young age and now avoids any emotional attachment at all; while Maddy has completely forsaken the very idea of a family unit to pursue nobility in her career. Likewise, the film gets great mileage out of using their opposing ideologies (or lack thereof) to craftily straddle all political viewpoints on the blood diamond conflict, thus (potentially) deflecting any critical charges of bias. DiCaprio and Connelly in particular shine best when their characters' butt heads with dialogue as warfare, tearing into each other like members of a high school debate team. Hounsou, conversely, seems to relish Solomon's innate belief that honor comes not from political affiliation but from the simple charge to take action. It is when the film tackles these thorny topics in fiercely human terms that it manages to genuinely stir our passions and hint at resonance.

The highlight on this one for me was the 50-minute documentary "Blood On the Stone." Having nothing directly to do with the production, it is instead a very disturbing expose by journalist Sorious Samura, who lost his brother to the blood diamond conflict. It's not for the faint of heart, with often horrendous images of the violence and bloodshed, as well as an unapologetically critical voice of the corruptive governmental and business forces that allowed a verifiable civil war to continue for so long. Even harder-hitting and often more moving than 'Blood Diamond' itself, this is the one must-watch on the disc. (Note that "Blood On the Stone" is the only extra on this entire set presented in 1080p video. However, much of the shot-on-DV footage looks like a 480 upconvert, so don't expect pristine quality.)

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