Oracle Fusion Applications were launched in September 2010 and released one year later at OpenWorld 2011.[2][3] The name refers to the fact that each application runs in the cloud and shares one underlying platform, which means that data can be shared between them.[4] This is different from many cloud applications that exist in isolation and are not interoperable.[4] Oracle also developed "coexistence" processes that extend across all Oracle Applications so that users could adopt what they needed from Fusion while still using existing on-premise applications.[4][5]

The Oracle Fusion service-oriented platform and applications suite joins next-generation enterprise technologies, applications, and services, including Oracle Fusion Applications and Oracle Fusion Middleware, to change the dynamics in the applications marketplace and revolutionize business. This chapter provides an introduction to the architecture and components of Oracle Fusion Applications.

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Using the latest technology and incorporating the best practices gathered from Oracle's customers, Oracle Fusion Applications is a suite of 100% open standards-based business applications that provide a new standard for the way businesses innovate, work and adopt technology. Delivered as a complete suite of modular, service-enabled enterprise applications, Oracle Fusion Applications works with Oracle's Applications Unlimited portfolio to evolve business to a new level of performance. Whether it is one module, a product family, or the entire suite, Oracle provides businesses with their choice of all advancements pioneered by Oracle Fusion Applications, at a pace that matches individual business demands.

Oracle Universal Content Management enables you to leverage document management, Web content management, digital asset management; and records retention functionality to build and complement your business applications.

Oracle SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing SOA composite applications. Oracle SOA Suite enables services to be created, managed, and orchestrated into SOA composite applications.

Using a standards-based architecture reduces the cost for integration and enables you to reuse systems and technologies. Standards-based architecture also increases the flexibility of the applications. You can fit the applications to your business by configuring not only the user interface, but also the business objects, the business processes, the business logic, and business intelligence.

The Oracle Fusion Applications user interface facilitates the customer-driven, intuitive design of the applications that result in large productivity gains. The user interface design of Oracle Fusion Applications is:

Each product family is based on a common Oracle Fusion Applications data model and services. Product families contain one or more Java EE applications that are specific to Oracle Fusion Applications and deployed to Oracle WebLogic Server. An application can contain multiple products, and a product can also span multiple applications. A product typically has a one-to-one correspondence with an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file. For example, EarSales.ear is an application and Sales is a product.

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) provides an enterprise architecture that supports building connected enterprise applications to provide solutions to business problems. SOA facilitates the development of enterprise applications as modular business web services that can be easily integrated and reused, creating a truly flexible, adaptable IT infrastructure.

SOA uses orchestration technology to assemble various services to provide comprehensive functionality. In Oracle Fusion Applications, many product applications provide their functionality in the form of web services. Oracle Business Process Management is used to assemble these web services to provide end-to-end functionality.

Oracle SOA Suite, a middleware component of Oracle Fusion Middleware, provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for designing, deploying, and managing SOA composite applications. It enables services to be created, managed, and orchestrated into SOA composite applications. Composites enable you to easily assemble multiple technology components into one SOA composite application.

Oracle is one of the largest vendors in the enterprise IT market and the shorthand name of its flagship product, a relational database management system (RDBMS) that's formally called Oracle Database. The database software sits at the center of many corporate IT environments, supporting a mix of transaction processing, business intelligence and analytics applications.

In the ensuing decades after launching the RDBMS technology, Oracle greatly expanded its product portfolio through internal development and numerous acquisitions. It now also sells several other databases, multiple line of business applications, data analytics software, middleware, computer systems, data storage equipment, development tools and other technologies. In addition, Oracle is working to establish itself as a leading cloud computing vendor, after initially being slow to embrace the cloud.

But Oracle Database is still the technology that is most commonly associated with the company; it's also the primary data management platform for Oracle's applications and the data warehouse, BI and analytics systems that Oracle offers to customers.

Oracle Database is available for licensing in four separate editions that provide different levels of functionality and scalability. Oracle Database Enterprise Edition includes all of the software's features and is designed for use by large organizations running high-volume transaction processing, data warehousing, analytics and internet applications. The Standard Edition provides a more limited set of features for workgroup and departmental applications; there are three versions of it, including a Standard Edition 2 that became available with later releases of Oracle Database 12c.

Most notably, when Oracle acquired computer vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. in 2010, it also got the MySQL database, which Sun had bought in 2008. MySQL is a popular open source relational database that is part of the LAMP software stack for web applications, along with the Linux operating system; Apache web server; and PHP, Perl or Python as a programming language. Oracle sells commercial versions of MySQL in addition to maintaining the freely available community edition.

Oracle also markets TimesTen, an in-memory relational database that it acquired in 2005, and Essbase, a multidimensional database for use in OLAP applications, which Oracle obtained when it purchased Hyperion Solutions Corp. in 2007.

In addition, Oracle sells a NoSQL database that was developed internally and initially released in 2011. That product, called Oracle NoSQL Database, is a key-value data store; like other NoSQL technologies, it's an alternative to relational databases for some processing tasks, such as big data applications involving unstructured and semistructured data.

Oracle has gained more than just new databases from its aggressive acquisition strategy. For example, the company greatly broadened its business applications product portfolio through a series of acquisitions, including two major deals that helped turn it into one of the top vendors in that part of the enterprise software market.

Oracle introduced its first applications, a set of internally developed accounting software apps called Oracle Applications, in 1990; 10 years later, it launched E-Business Suite, a wider collection of enterprise resource planning (ERP), finance, human resources (HR) and supply chain management applications. Then, in 2005, Oracle purchased PeopleSoft Inc., giving it PeopleSoft's own ERP, finance and HR applications and the JD Edwards software that PeopleSoft bought two years earlier. Oracle followed that up by acquiring customer relationship management software vendor Siebel Systems in 2006.

Elements of all those product lines were combined into the Oracle Fusion Applications suite, which Oracle released in 2011 after lengthy development delays. However, it also still develops and sells the individual lines, and has said it will continue to do so indefinitely. In addition, the company has created a full set of cloud-based enterprise business applications, and it augmented that by acquiring NetSuite, a vendor of cloud applications primarily for small to midsize organizations, in late 2016.

In addition to continuing Sun's hardware development, Oracle has expanded the engineered systems family of bundled hardware and software that debuted with Exadata -- it now also includes products such as Oracle SuperCluster, Oracle Big Data Appliance, Exalogic Elastic Cloud and Exalytics In-Memory Machine. The engineered systems are special-purpose machines designed primarily to support high-performance applications.

"First, we had to build all the middleware and once all the middleware was built, we could then rebuild all the applications," said Ellison, noting, "It has been and continues to be an enormous engineering effort."

Oracle will start to deliver these applications to customers at the end of this year, and in the first quarter of the next calendar year, Oracle Fusion Applications will be generally available. "Finally, for the first time ever, the Fusion Applications that we deliver to you will be built on top of 100% vanilla Fusion Middleware, nothing added. Fusion Middleware completely supports Fusion Applications," Ellison said.

Today digital disruption drives the need for business transformation. By digitalizing and switching to Oracle cloud applications, organizations are enabled to gain a significant competitive advantage by delivering a compelling customer and employee experience, improving efficiency and enhancing the decision-making process.

Driving change while still using traditional on-premise ERP systems can be complex, resource heavy, and lack agility. By moving to the Cloud, you can overcome these issues and create a simple and more flexible application environment. However, the seamless migration and integration of cloud applications with existing IT systems can create its own challenges. 2351a5e196

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