Ready to Share?

CC BY-NC License

If you share IM, you agree to this license:

Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC
Lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Important Notes

  • Only share what you made and what you want to share!

  • Attribution might be impractical in practice, e.g. if I adapt 3 of your questions for my own 10-question quiz that I post in Canvas, there’s no easy way for me to attribute them to you without confusing my users.

  • The Organizers might ask Sharers for numerical (aggregate) results for how many people are using content.

Preferred File Types

Please post IM in modifiable file types. Preferred file types include:

Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc. created in Google Drive

.pptx Presentation slides

.xlsx Spreadsheets

.docx Documents, e.g. handouts, worksheets, video scripts, syllabi, etc.

.html Webpages; LibGuides (instruction-specific, not general)

.imscc LMS Courses (Blackboard, Canvas, & Moodle)

.imscc = Instructional Management System, Common Cartridge, a type of zip file that uses a Common Cartridge specification to allow the same course data to be imported into different Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Steps for Sharers: Make IM Ready to Share

Step 1
If you have multiple Google Drive Accounts, carefully consider which Account would be the best repository for your IM in the long term (i.e. if you might change institutions or retire). You might want to use your personal Google Drive Account.

Step 2
In your own Google Drive Account, create a new folder (e.g. BLExIM- Your Name). This is your Parent IM folder, which you'll populate with whatever Instructional Materials (IM) you want to share. Also, it's It’s OK to have sub-folders in your Parent IM folder.

Step 3
Configure the folder's visibility so that people can see what's in it.

Parent IM folder > right-click > "Share" > “Anyone with the link can View” (see screenshot).

Step 4
In the upcoming Step 5, you'll get two additional template files to put into your Parent IM folder, so before doing that, please read the descriptions for these files, in the green box below.

Step 3 Screenshot

Notice of Use (NoU)
This file is a form that Receivers fill out to notify you that they might use your content. The NoU serves to fulfill the Receiver giving attribution to you, the Sharer. Because this is your form, only you can see the results.

This file is an optional form, in which you can write a more comprehensive description, and/or instructions associated with the IM that you are sharing. For example, if part of your IM requires regular updating, you could explain that in the README file.

Step 5
(Don't worry, this is something you'll only do once!)

To get your own copy of the NoU and README template files, visit* the
BLExIM Sharers Folder.

*You must be logged into your Google Drive before you open the BLExIM Sharers Folder link.

  • For each file, right-click > “Make a Copy” (see screenshot).

  • The files will automatically appear in your Google Drive.

  • Move these two copied files from your Google Drive's main file page into your Parent IM folder.

Step 6
Customize the NoU for yourself by opening the NoU and adding your name. Please don't modify the NoU beyond adding your name. The organizers need a standard form for uniform data collection.

Step 5 Screenshot

Steps for Sharers: Make IM Discoverable

Step 7
It's time to make your IM discoverable in the BLExIM Registry!

  • Go to the Registry Input Form.

  • Complete and submit the form for each new IM that you are sharing!

  • Each time you complete and submit the form, the results are displayed as a row in the BLExIM Registry spreadsheet.

  • Use your best judgment for what constitutes one IM. For example:

    • One IM may be the equivalent of one .docx handout.

    • One IM may also be the equivalent of an entire .imscc course (with handouts, syllabus, tutorials, etc.).

Q&A for Managing your IM

Q: I just updated my IM. How do I share the updated version(s)?

You're welcome you to update your shared IM content regularly! :) The URLs that you added to the BLExIM Registry direct people to your Parent IM folder, not to the individual IM documents themselves. Therefore, you don’t need to update your entry in the Registry for that IM. Simply replace your old IM document with a new version in your Parent IM folder.

Q: How do I remove my IM?

If you delete your IM and you want to remove its record from the BLExIM Registry, please contact the Organizers. We will remove the record, i.e. delete the row in the Registry spreadsheet.

Note: Other parties may still have your IM if they downloaded it before you deleted it. The Organizers are unable to police who may have your IM.

Q: I will be leaving the institution where I work. How do I ensure my IM remains discoverable?

The best way to do this is to start fresh.

  • Save all of the IM from your old Parent IM folder.

  • Follow Steps 1-7 above again. Your new Parent IM folder will live in either: your personal Google Drive Account or your new institutional Google Drive Account.

  • Contact the Organizers. We will remove the old record, i.e. delete the row in the Registry spreadsheet.