Looking for IM?

CC BY-NC License

If you receive IM, you agree to this license:

Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC
Lets others remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Steps for Receivers

Step 1
Visit the BLExIM Registry. This is where you'll discover Sharers' IM.

Step 2
Preview/browse the Sharer’s IM (and README file(s)) by exploring their Parent IM folder, which is linked from the Registry.

After you know what you might want to use, go to Step 3.

Step 3
Fill out the Sharer’s NoU (Notice of Use) Form, so the Sharer knows you might appropriate their IM for your own use. Only the Sharer sees the NoU form results. This helps Sharers gauge their impact for professional reviews!

  • Fill out the NoU each time you use different IM from a Sharer.

Sample scenario:

Charlie (a Receiver) goes into the Registry and finds IM created by Jordan (a Sharer), that seems relevant in meeting Charlie's needs. Charlie previews three of Jordan's IM files and decides to use Jordan’s PPT Presentation. Charlie then submits an NoU form to Jordan for the PPT Presentation.

Later Charlie decides they may also use part of Jordan’s Canvas Course. Charlie submits another NoU form to Jordan, this time for the Canvas Course.

Step 4
Whenever possible, provide attribution to the sharer.

To open Sharer’s LMS course files, Receivers can register for free versions of Blackboard or Canvas.