The Bledsoe County Library Board 

Meetings are held on the second Monday in March, June, September and December at 3:30pm at the Library.  All meetings are open to the public.

Board of Trustees

The Board oversees the library’s operation and is made up of county residents who serve three-year terms. 

Current board members: 

Bledsoe County Library Board Minutes 03/11/2024


Bledsoe County Public Library

Library Board Meeting

Date: March 11, 2024

1. Call to Order

The Meeting was called to order by John Hargis at 3:30 p.m.

2. Introduction and recording of members present

Members present were Linda Nipper, Sheila Cagle, John Hargis, Roy Standefer, Sonny Pendergrass, Dona Loyd, and Wanda Carver.

Also attending: Carolyne Knight, Library Director

3. Approval of minutes

A motion was made by Sheila Cagle and seconded by Linda Nipper to approve the revised minutes from the December 11 meeting.

4. Old Business

The fencing was once again discussed. We need to decide if we prefer a flat post or spiked finials. Some felt that the spiked choice might lead to accidents if someone tried to climb over them. Carolyne suggested that $1,000 from the library maintenance budget might be used towards the fencing. We looked at a proposal and quote to accept as a starting point from which to make firm decisions. A motion was made by Dona Loyd to accept this. Sonny Pendergrass seconded the motion. The motion passed.

5. Administrative Reports

5.1 Library Director's Report

New library cards have been received. 

Carolyne said that the library needs a new vacuum. She feels that a Shark would meet the requirements. The cost is $369 plus a kit of accessories is an added $29. 

Carolyne said that three of the board members are due to rotate off from their first term: John Hargis, Linda Nipper, and Wanda Carver. They have agreed to serve an additional three years. At the request of the board members, Carolyne will write a letter to the county commissioners asking to retain these members for an additional 3-year term.

6. Adjournment

Sonny Pendergrass made a motion that we adjourn. The motion was seconded by Linda Nipper. It carried unanimously.