Job Board

Apply to add a job listing to the Job Board!

Meet all of the following to Apply:

Job Board Criteria*

This Job Board is a service that Black in Historic Preservation provides to the historic preservation community. To align with the Well-Being and Equity component of our Mission, and to help prospective applicants make informed decisions for their job search, employers must meet the following criteria, stated in the Job Board Application and below. BiHP reserves the right to revise the Criteria.

Please do not purchase job listings before applying: In 2-3 business days, employers who meet the Job Board Criteria will receive an invitation to post their job listing(s) and remit payment for their listing(s). For payment options, see Purchase Job Board Listings.

  1. Well-Being. Advertise positions relevant to historic preservation.

  2. Racial Equity. Offer jobs that comply with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

  3. Pay Equity. Offer compensation commensurate with the qualifications required for the position. We do not accept postings for uncompensated internships. Black in Historic Preservation leadership reserves the right to determine if an internship meets the Call to Action: Labor Equity in Preservation by Sarah Marsom.

  4. Pay Equity. For all advertised positions, include a salary, salary range, hourly rate, salary code, and/or other compensation such as stocks and/or bonds. "Commiserate with experience" is not acceptable.

  5. Racial Equity. For all advertised positions, provide the demographics of the office/department/division where the incumbent employee will work:

    • A Percent (%) Breakdown of Race: Black, White, Multi-Racial, Asian, Latinx, Indigenous. "Other" is not acceptable - must specify race.

  6. Racial Equity. Report the number of harassment and discrimination claims filed against the employer in the last 10 years, to the extent allowable by law. Complaints include internal and external, at local, state, and federal EEOC levels. Provide the outcome of each complaint.

  7. Well-Being + Equity. Report the strategies in place or future strategies that support employee well-being and equity. For example, a recommended hiring practice for Well-Being: "Cluster Hires," for example in academia, allow for employers to not tokenize their employees who are People of Color. This hiring practice creates a space of support in predominantly white spaces. For more information, please refer to the following resources (Inclusion of these resources is not an endorsement of these organizations.):

*Criteria, as well as payment structure for the Job Board, inspired by National Council on Public History, Idealist, and Sarah Marsom's advocacy for pay equity in historic preservation careers.