Poetry Competition

Members voted for Poem A from Hugh and Poem E from Alan - they are declared joint winners. Congratulations to them both for the fine poetry and thanks for being brave enough to enter.

Would you please vote for your single favourite poem by sending an email to Keith Marsh, copying Dave, on or before Saturday 17 April 2021 (The Duke of Edinburgh's Funeral day). Thanks. A vanishingly small prize will be given to the winner!

The poems are as follows - in no particular order:

Poem A (Hugh) - Joint winner

Pre Covid, in days of yore

our lives were rarely a bore.

Lockdown’ came, with isolation

spreading right across the nation.

But something gave us hope instead

our chats with chums from Bitterne Shed

Poem B (Alan) - Tools

Tools, tools, tools, what would we do without tools,

Even the humble pen is a tool with which to write,

giving our inner thoughts the chance to see the light.

From bradawl to sawmill give woodworkers ease,

From spanners to welders, mechanics to please.

The hammer, though basic, can be a thing of precision,

When used with a delicate touch, can achieve our ambition.

When used with a dolly will give a smooth finish,

but real heavy work a sledge will demolish.

The screwdriver, again a tool to delight, when used with the right screw, will get things real tight.

We make use of a drill to make a neat hole,

any other method would be hard on the soul.

Sometimes we need spirit to keep on the level.

But using a plane will give us a bevel.

A Surgeon, with scalpel, will make an incision,

but we use a saw to cut with precision.

Hacksaw, bandsaw, woodsaw, what a collection!

Skilled workmen will use these to bring us perfection.

A file will help to make our work smooth,

a chisel we use when we want a groove.

For those who dig gardens a spade is the thing,

The artist, what pleasure a paintbrush will bring.

More powerful tools are electric, or air,

With these, of course, we take extra care.

The catalogue is endless, but here my list stops.

Time to put them away, in to their TOOL BOX.

Poem C (Hugh)

When the history of lockdown is written

there’s one thing that will make folk listen.

How crafters and others

formed a band of brothers

meeting at our Shed Club in Bitterne

Poem D (Hugh)

Bitterne Shed Club makes many devices

using ancient tools of different sizes.

Although some are small

and are no use at all,

others can create some surprises.

Poem E (Alan) - Joint winner

All around the country is the sound of Men in Sheds

helping their communities and holding high their heads.

Some may be in seaside towns ,with others more inland,

sheds may be basic with others much more grand.

For many there are members who have no space at home,

So sheds provide the ideal place to let their talents roam.

Churches, schools, communities, whatever form they take,

those around us benefit from various things we make.

Drilling, sawing, hammering are many things you’ll hear,

but regardless of the weather, we carry on each year.

Drilling, sawing, hammering, this is what we do

Or using a paintbrush to give a brilliant hue.

Painting, photography or other quiet pursuits,

are no less important, as they reflect our roots.

From offices, classrooms, factories, not all, but most of us retired,

we use our past experiences so others are inspired.

Not only groups use sheds, for others work alone,

for many , I’m sure, it is their second home.

Many grow veggies or propagate flowers,

whatever the reason, there they spend hours and hours.

Some may study astronomy, gazing at stars,

others build motorbikes, or polish their cars.

The artist’s shed may be full of canvases and easels,

whilst others keep pets, such as ferrets and weasels.

Others make models, built to a scale,

whose intricate details make most of us pale.

For many the shed is more than a building,

for we still keep in touch, even when “shielding”.

I don’t know for sure, but I strongly suspect

that some sheds are even fitted with beds !

Poem F (Hugh)

We’re just a friendly crew

who love to hammer and screw,

But if crafting gets tricky

or customers too picky

we just chill, and sup on a brew.

End of list - Page last updated 11 April 2021