NFC First Cut Challenge

Purpose: To provide NFC Clubs with the tools for improving skills in applying BetterInvesting(BI) principles. The First Cut (FC) is a foundational Stock Study Guide (SSG) is in analyzing stocks with quality First Cut stock studies and provide NFC Clubs with an incentive for developing the tools .

When: This challenge will run from March 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. Awards will be presented as the challenge requirements are met by each club.

Challenge Rules:

  1. Any NFC club may participate.

  2. The rules are:

    1. Clubs develop a draft First Cut. Some references are: First Cut template is found on the BetterInvesting website here with directions on how to fill it out and submit it. A 2019 Ticker Talk covering use of First Cuts as a stock study tool from May 2019 is available on the BI website at these links: Video, Slides 4 per page, First Cut Stock Study Form

    2. Clubs contact the NFC at of their intent to participate. The club must participate in an online interactive training session to review their Draft FC at a date and time of their choosing. The draft FC must be provided to the chapter FC volunteer prior to the online review session.

    3. Completed First Cut studies are submitted to BetterInvesting (Ann Cuneaz) as per published directions on the First Cut form. Ann will decide which studies meet the quality standards to be published on the website.

  3. Club Incentive: Each NFC Club that participates will receive an upgrade to the SSG Plus to all club members who are also members of BetterInvesting and who do not have SSG Plus. Any club members who are not members of BetterInvesting may pay the annual membership dues to also be able to take advantage of this. CoreSSG and Toolkit 6 users are also eligible for upgrade. Clubs who have received the upgrade offer in the 24 months prior are ineligible.