Space Coast

Model Investment Club

Sponsored by the North Florida Chapter of BetterInvesting

Welcome to the BetterInvesting Space Coast Model Investment Club (BI-SCMIC) web site. Our club members are drawn from the over 800 BetterInvesting members living in the Space Coast Chapter's area of responsibility, a geographic area that covers the central swath of Florida from the Atlantic to the Gulf coasts. Our Volunteers are similarly dispersed so to make this work we are an online club ... we meet in your home.

To find out more about the Club, how we operate and membership information just click here.

This web site is our club's Operations Center. Through it we will be able to maintain the continuity of our operations and ensure that we are all working together in a coordinated fashion and literally on the same page even while our members may be miles (or continents) away. Scan the icons below to get an idea of what's inside.

In addition to this web site we have four other web-based resources that makes this geographically challenged club possible: myICLUB (accounting), Space Coast Educational Site (research & training), BIwiki (a website where we collaborate and share best practices), Google office applications and Google Sync and Drive (our office suite of tools and core library of documents).

Access to this web site and Space Coast Educational Site is open to all BetterInvesting members. Access to and Google Sync and Drive is restricted to Club Partners and Associate Partners.