Chapter Leadership Directory

Board of Directors for 2019-2020

President: Brent Campbell

VP-Administration: Joan Fosdick

VP-Communications: Laura Scott

VP - Membership: Phil Crocker

VP - Training: Dan Harter

VP - Club Support: Robin Ware

Secretary: Robin Ware

Treasurer: Howard Tetrault

Directors: Sam Mortellaro

Volunteers*: Ben Shuler, Mickey Riemondy, Thomas Brooks, Pat Camporesi

Director Emeritus*: Dick Vogel & Ken Peters

Training Workshop Coordinator: Dan Harter

BISCC.BOD webmaster: Bob Houle

BIwiki Administrator: Bob Houle

Newsletter Editor: Ben Shuler


* Non-voting

How to contact:

The best way to contact a member of the Chapter board is to send an email to:

Please indicate in the subject line either the member you would like to have take action on your email or indicate the subject area of interest. We will make sure the appropriate person contacts you shortly.

The board meets on the first Thursday of each month, online, at 7:30 pm ET. The meetings are open to visitors.

Click here to register to attend. Upon registering you will be sent an access link you can use to attend our meetings.