Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry


Being a part of UW Bothell’s IAS program, an important goal I’ve been able to focus on is developing my writing through further research and citing other works to show how it supports my arguments. Furthermore, the main goal of Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry is being able to effectively communicate with your audience via evidence you display and identifying how your sources back the main points made in your work. Out of all the projects I’ve completed, there are two particular artifacts that exemplify how I flourished in my research and inquiry capabilities over time. These two artifacts are my BIS 445 Synthesis Project and BIS 283 Law & Order Portfolio.

In my BIS 445 Reality of Inequalities course, my final synthesis project involved me giving explicit detail regarding the types of state violence that’s forced against people of minority races, with specific direction on police brutality against African Americans by white police officers. Each piece of evidence in my project came with a supporting picture of its own, a specific quote from other sources that ties into the photo chosen and a paragraph that explains how the quotes chosen relates to each picture, the primary meaning behind the photos chosen and how they are connected to state violence. I also touch on how people have reacted to these unequal actions that plague our society and what can be done to put a stop to it. I consider this artifact as significant because I argue on a key facet that is directly harming our community in a systemic cycle and my writing shows how I want to make a difference in that aspect for the near future. I also feel that this synthesis project fulfilled the IAS objective of Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry because I worked to gather research to get my main message across and focused upon what could be done to promote diversity.

For my BIS 283 Introduction to Law & Order class, I completed a final reflection portfolio regarding the work I have done throughout the class and what readings I found to be the most significant to my growth in learning. The assignment involved me elaborating on what readings related to the main goals of the IAS program, such as Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry. Furthermore, I center on how this class challenged my initial viewpoints, the key themes that were present throughout the course and how it engaged our interdisciplinary inquiry skills. This artifact is significant to my research skills because it was a precursor to taking this class back in the winter and it helped me to prepare for what is to come when presenting my Capstone project in June. It also showcased how my learning developed from taking Introduction To Law & Order.

Over time, I have come to expect what is required from me regarding my Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry goals, especially in gathering my sources together and reflecting on how they relate to what I argue for. From crafting a critical research project that ties different aspects of topics together to constructing a reflection portfolio that demonstrates how a class is connected to IAS’s main objectives, I feel that these artifacts represent my journey as a researcher and inquirer. With graduation approaching soon, I hope to further utilize my interdisciplinary abilities to thrive in finding employment for the near future.