Annotated Bibliography

1. Hawkins, Korey “CBLR Reflection Paper.” BIS 226. Foundations of U.S. Social Service, Professor Carrie Lanza. Spring 2017

Hawkins sums up his overall opinion on what policies helped him with his learning the most throughout the quarter when it came to this course. In addition to reflecting upon what he got the most out of regarding the information in this class, he recapped his experience being involved in the CBLR (Community Based Learning Research) program, especially when it came to his time being involved in the Northshore Head Start Preschool Program, sponsored by the Center for Human Services in Bothell. He also goes into detail on what type of work he did in his place of volunteering and how it relates to his IAS learning objective goals.

The main reason why I consider this piece of work to be significant to my portfolio is because it is a point in my college career where I actually got to volunteer and work at a community that needed all the help it could get, which relates to my community psychology major. In addition to my work at Head Start and being able to work to understand kids that have been forgotten by the system and needed guidance from the people who deserved it the most, it also gives me a better understanding of the type of trials and tribulations I will need to understand in the future should I go into the field of social services.

2. Hawkins, Korey “The Struggle To Find Freedom: A Case Study of the LGBT Community In NYC.” BIS 221. Gender & Sexuality, Professor Thea Tagle. Autumn 2017

Hawkins does a case study on the LGBT Culture that was prominent in New York that chronicles its true origins back in the 90s and how it notably stands out even today. Specific focus is directed upon the films Paris Is Burning and Kiki regarding the melting pot of LGBT racial minorities and how their neighborhoods of Christopher Street Piers and West Village played a critical role in their quest for equal rights. Hawkins also talks about how these communities fought to save their homes from the plague of gentrification and ongoing increase of drugs and violent crime.

I consider this piece to be significant to my portfolio because it has clear value on a group of people that I want to focus on for my future career based on community psychology. It is also necessary because it focuses upon the IAS objective of critical thinking, which required me to focus upon a specific topic, (LGBT groups) and write a clear argument on how this community is significant in NYC’s culture.

3. Hawkins, Korey “Parenting Principles Paper.” BIS 359. Ethics & Society, Professor Thea Nixon. Autumn 2017

Hawkins describes the core values that he believes in on what it means to be a parent/father in this writing piece. He writes this letter to his future offspring based upon the key values that his own parents have taught him in the past, as well as his own principles regarding parenting that he has absorbed into his own ideology over the years. Furthermore, the significance of his written work is about teaching his future kids what principles of parenting that he will past on to them in the near future to help them develop into healthy and well-adjusted adults.

I chose this paper as significant because it embraces the core values on what parents should try to be for their children, as it encompasses an act of community psychology that is based on a microsystem known as family and how it connects to the community. This paper also has a clear direction on the kind of parent I want to be in the near future and how I will apply some of these principles when working with troubled youth in the future career I have chosen for myself.

4. Hawkins, Korey “Synthesis Project: Finding Justice: The Realities of State Violence and Healing From Injustices.” BIS 445. Reality of Inequalities, Professor Marci Myers. Winter 2018

Hawkins goes into explicit detail regarding the various types of state violence that is forced upon against people of minority races, with specific direction on police brutality against African Americans by white police officers. Each piece of evidence comes with an original picture of its own, a specific quote from literary sources that ties into the photo chosen and a paragraph that explains how the quote chosen explains this picture and the primary meaning behind the photo chosen and how it connects to state violence. Also, Hawkins dives into direct detail on how people have reacted to these unequal actions that plague our society and what can be done to put a stop to it.

I chose this project as being significant because it is a clear example on key facet that is directly harming our community in a systemic cycle and one that I want to make a difference in for the near future. I also feel that this synthesis project helped me with the IAS objective of Writing & Communication and Diversity & Equality because I worked to gather research in order to get my main message across and focused upon what could be done to promote diversity.

5. Hawkins, Korey “Movie Sociology Paper: American History X: An Exploration of Racism, Discrimination and Stereotyping.” BIS 225. Social Psychology, Professor Carrie Lanza. Winter 2017

Hawkins does an analysis based upon the movie American History X in this paper and its key themes that relate to the inequalities scene among the races of dominant and minority races. Precise focus is directed upon the racism, discrimination and stereotyping that is developed and directed on in the movie and how it parallels with real life examples and incidents. Also, Hawkins talks about the characters in the movie and how while some of them continue to cling onto their misguided beliefs, others proceed to develop and grow as people, eventually coming to understand how that kind of hatred is perpetrated by others and what they can do to break free from that cycle of hate.

This paper was chosen as being significant to my academic portfolio because embraces the core IAS goals of Equality & Diversity and Interdisciplinary Inquiry & Research since it covers ground on having to analyze a movies key themes and write about how they are important to the movie’s main message. There is also a core concentration on some of the examples of scenes from the film that hammer home the injustices that are similar to what happens in reality and blurs the line between that and fiction.

6. Hawkins, Korey “Movie Sociology Paper: American History X: An Exploration of Racism, Discrimination and Stereotyping.” BIS 215. Social Psychology, Professor Carrie Lanza. Winter 2017

Hawkins puts all of his attention on the history of the Black Lives Matter Movement and how it is significant to changing our world as we know it. Direct attention is given to its originations and how Hawkins and his group members taught the movement to the rest of our fellow peers through lectures, small group discussions and seminars. Hawkins also discusses examples that relate to the foundation of Black Lives Matter and examples that continue to evolve the movement even further, such as the shooting of Michael Brown back in 2014.

I chose to include this paper as being important to my academic portfolio because it embraces the IAS goal of Diversity and Equality and gave further evidence as to how systemic racism is becoming a growing problem in the world, something that I hope to help understand and help to eliminate in my future work occupation after I graduate.

7. Hawkins, Korey “Personality Psychology Narrative: The Author of Myself.” BIS 349. Personality Psychology, Professor Eric Stewart. Winter 2019

Hawkins gives an in depth narrative of his life, from his very beginnings in Bainbridge Island, to moving out into Bothell and how his experiences from the past and present shape him into the person he wants to be in the future. Focus is given to his own social actor self and how his experiences in the past helped him grow as a person through religion, friendships and community, core values that still hold true to his own person even to this day. Hawkins also describes how his previous experiences with other classes and his major of Community Psychology has helped to shape what he wants his path in life to be.

I chose this paper as being significant to my academic portfolio because it is an in-depth biography of my own life story and how the influences in my life and the choices I made, along with the people I connected with, helped to mold me into the person I am today and give me clear guidance for my future.

8. Hawkins, Korey “Final Exam: Law & Order Portfolio.” BIS 283. Introduction To Law & Order, Professor Ling Tan. Winter 2019

Hawkins goes into direct detail on his overall summary of the class he took in this portfolio and what readings he found to be the most significant to his growth in learning. Some of the key articles he focuses upon in this assignment is what readings related to the IAS key goals of Critical Thinking, Diversity And Equality and Interdisciplinary Research & Inquiry. Furthermore, he goes into depth on how this class challenged his initial viewpoints, the key themes that were present through the class and how it engaged us with interdisciplinary inquiry.

I chose this assignment as being critical to my academic portfolio because this assignment was a precursor to taking this class back in the winter and it helped me to prepare for what is to come when presenting my Capstone portfolio in June, along with how my learning developed from taking Introduction To Law & Order.