Korey Hawkins ePortfolio

BIS 499

About Me

Hello, My name is Korey Hawkins and I welcome you to my Academic Portfolio, which will demonstrate my own academic achievements, my own academic work exemplifies the person I grew into as a Community Psychology major and how I hope the presentation of my own strengths will help me achieve employment in the near future. For my Portfolio, my ideal audience is that in regards to my Community Psychology Major, I hope that my previous knowledge academic subjects that center on the state of one’s mind, along with various focuses on various dimensions in human rights such as gender, sexuality, racism and so forth, along with my prior experience in volunteering, will play a role in helping me secure future employment in Social Services or a big corporation that needs my knowledge in the near future. I also hope that with my portfolio, I can show my family and friends what I have learned from my time at UW Bothell and how the subjects I have dived into in the past will help me in the long run.