Today in Children’s Ministry we are learning about the Exodus era in the Bible!
Through Moses God delivers the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt and then gives them the Law.
Jesus is the only one to perfectly obey God’s Law!
For more information about all of the eras of the Bible, we encourage adults to read the book 30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders
Lesson Video
This Week's Family Devotional
Read About It...
As a family read Exodus 2-26; or read the story from your favorite children's Bible.
Talk About It…
Discuss how God had a plan to use Moses to deliver His people, the Israelites, from slavery. Moses points us to a better, greater Moses, Jesus, who also will deliver God’s people but from an even greater bondage—sin. Also discuss how God gave the people the 10 Commandments. Talk about how none of us can fully obey them—that’s why we need Jesus, our Savior. Throughout the week, talk to your child about sin.
Pray About It…
Thank God for giving us the 10 commandments to show us our need for a savior. Thank God for sending his one and only son, Jesus!
Every week of this unit, you can add an icon to a poster to show how all of the stories we learn about are part of the BIG story of the Bible.
You can print the poster and the icons from the link below to use for the whole unit.
Let’s Study the Bible Weekly Icons
Cut the icon for today and glue it on your poster!
Worship Songs
God Is Number One
Singin' Praise Tots
Dance Shout and Sing
Singin' Praise Tots