
9 nets, 5.7 hours, 19 captures, 13 species.

2 Anna's Hummingbird

1 Allen's Hummingbird

2 Hutton's Vireo (both were recaps)

1 Northern Rough-Winged Swallow

1 Oak Titmouse

1 Cactus Wren

2 Wrentit (1 recap)

1 Hermit Thrush (recap from 2017)

1 Lesser Goldfinch

3 California Towhee (2 recaps from 2017)

1 Lincoln's Sparrow

2 Gambel's White-crowned Sparrow (1 recap)

1 Orange-crowned Warbler

The Rough-winged Swallow was a first for the site; the Cactus Wren our second.

Below the average number of birds per net hour, but a good variety.

Thanks for Vince for helping.

Next banding: March 9.