There are four methods to ensure that an applicable paper is submitted toPubMedCentral (PMC) in compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy. Authors may use whichever method is most appropriatefor them and consistent with their publishing agreement. To identify the submission and reporting method for aspecific journal, use the submission method identification wizard.

The Key Dates section of many funding opportunities indicate standard dates apply. Use the table below and the activity code (e.g., R01) specified in the title of the opportunity to determine application cycles and their relationship to due dates, review and council dates, and earliest possible start dates. Renewal/resubmission/revision and AIDS-related applications may have different due dates than new applications. Read the table carefully.

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For submissions containing nudity that has artistic value, the model must be at least 18 years old and the model release must include the model's photo ID so we can verify age. Never submit any sexually explicit, pornographic, or immoral material, including material that sexualizes minors.

For submissions depicting children, the content must be age-appropriate, non-sexualized and non-exploitative. Content featuring children will be reviewed under strict guidelines and content that is determined to be sexualized, exploitative, or abusive will be removed. Adobe has the right to remove files from Adobe Stock that violates these rules or otherwise has a high potential for abuse.

You may create more than one contributor account if you wish to track different asset types in separate accounts, e.g., video submissions versus image submissions, or generative AI submissions versus traditional photos or illustrations. Also, if your account gets close to an online portfolio of 1 million assets, we recommend to open a new account.

Manuscript deposit via NIHMS is a multi-step process that currently takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks following initial approval of a complete submission. Processing times may vary depending on Reviewer responsiveness and the volume of submissions during a given period. See the full overview.

Institutions must submit all FWAs, including new FWAs, electronically using the electronic submission system available through the OHRP website at , unless an institution lacks the ability to do so electronically. If an institution believes it lacks the ability to submit its FWA electronically, it must contact OHRP by telephone or email (see ) and explain why it was unable to submit its FWA electronically.

A "new" IRB registration should be submitted to OHRP when your institution or organization has never been assigned an IORG number and never registered an IRB. If your institution or organization has an IRB registered with OHRP, you should use the "update/renewal" feature through this electronic submission system to update or renew an existing IRB registration or to register an additional IRB.

No one may submit or be associated with more than three scholarly submissions (papers and/or symposia) to an Academy Meeting. No one may appear on more than three sessions during the refereed scholarly program. Scholarly Program appearances include all roles that are listed on the scholarly program such as session moderators, organizers, special guests, discussants, speakers, presenters, authors, etc.

PDW Proposals can be submitted to only ONE Division or Interest Group (DIG), or Affiliate. It is recommended that submitters contact the preferred sponsoring DIG or Affiliate to discuss the proposal prior to submitting. During the submission process the submitter will have the opportunity to suggest other DIGs or Affiliates that would also be interested in the proposal as a co-sponsor. Submissions cannot be transferred or recommended to different DIGs or Affiliates after the submission deadline.

No one may submit or be associated with more than three PDW submissions to an Academy Meeting. No one may appear in more than 3 PDW sessions during the PDW program from Friday to Sunday, regardless of whether the sessions are held onsite or offsite.

The Rule of Three + Three (no more than three scholarly submissions + three PDW submissions) serves to ensure broad participation of members. It reduces the likelihood of the program being dominated by a small handful of people, and it helps ensure that no one is committed to appear at more than one place at a time. When people make too many commitments to participate in the conference program, scheduling conflicts often arise. Consequently, participants may find it difficult to honor their commitments, and the program and the experiences of the attendees suffer. People who agree to participate in an all-day consortium, for example, are expected to participate for the entire day. They should not leave after an hour to attend another session. No presenter should have to arrive late to one session or leave early to present in another one. Organizers, other participants, and especially the attendees are all frustrated by such behavior. The Rule of Three + Three helps reduce these problems. Participants are better able to fully honor their commitments, and attendees can attend sessions knowing that the featured speakers will actually be there throughout.

The online PDW and scholarly program submission systems will automatically block submissions that violate the rule. The system will inform the submitter of the rule violation and indicate which participant has already been associated with three other submissions. The submitter will have to revise the proposal by removing the violation. The proposal can be revised and resubmitted by the deadline without penalty. A person who agrees to be listed on more than three PDW proposals or three scholarly submissions puts all of those submissions at risk of being dropped from the program. Therefore, it is in the interest of submitters to ensure that everyone understands and follows the rule. Clearly, the implications of including a violator of the Rule of Three + Three on a submission are far-reaching.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of each participant to understand and follow the Rule of Three + Three. If you have committed to participate in three workshops and three scholarly submissions, you should decline further requests.

Uploading Multiple Documents. You must attach all related documents at the time of filing for one submission. You will not be able to add additional documents to your filing after it is submitted. The maximum file size for each document is 35 MB.

You can submit to most Wiley journals online, via ScholarOne, Editorial Manager, or our new submission system, Research Exchange. The system you use will depend on which journal you want to submit to.

In order to ensure the integrity of the XML submission process, the Board requires all prospective submission partners to engage in a rigorous testing effort. Additional information regarding the testing process can be found in CMS-1500 Onboarding Instructions.

Listed below are companies who have been approved as an XML submission partner or who are currently in the testing phase to become an approved XML submission partner. Check the Status row to determine the type of XML data a submission partner may transmit.

IMPORTANT: The Workers' Compensation Board does not endorse any of the XML submission partners who have shown interest in or who have been approved to provide these services. The Board has no knowledge of any other aspect of the XML submission partner's business. Thus, the Board makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to any aspect of the XML submission partner's business.

If an author has multiple affiliations, enter all affiliations on the title page only. In the submission system, enter only the preferred or primary affiliation. Author affiliations will be listed in the typeset PDF article in the same order that authors are listed in the submission.

If a manuscript is submitted on behalf of a consortium or group, include its name in the manuscript byline. Do not add it to the author list in the submission system. You may include the full list of members in the Acknowledgments or in a supporting information file.

Contributions will be published with the final article, and they should accurately reflect contributions to the work. The submitting author is responsible for completing this information at submission, and we expect that all authors will have reviewed, discussed, and agreed to their individual contributions ahead of this time.

The Materials and Methods section should provide enough detail to allow suitably skilled investigators to fully replicate your study. Specific information and/or protocols for new methods should be included in detail. If materials, methods, and protocols are well established, authors may cite articles where those protocols are described in detail, but the submission should include sufficient information to be understood independent of these references.

To support data sharing and author compliance of the PLOS data policy, we have integrated our submission process with a select set of data repositories. The list is neither representative nor exhaustive of the suitable repositories available to authors. Current repository integration partners include Dryad and FlowRepository. Please contact to make recommendations for further partnerships.

In some cases authors may not be able to obtain accession numbers of DOIs until the manuscript is accepted; in these cases, the authors must provide these numbers at acceptance. In all other cases, these numbers must be provided at full submission.

The striking image must be derived from a figure or supporting information file from the submission, i.e., a cropped portion of an image or the entire image. Striking images should ideally be high resolution, eye-catching, single panel images, and should ideally avoid containing added details such as text, scale bars, and arrows. 006ab0faaa

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