I found the solution by creating a file with an extension of .json inside your project. Then paste the unaligned json content in this file, then press align keys(Keys combination may vary based on your Android studio Keymap. For me Ctrl + Alt + L). That's all json data is aligned with indents.

If you don't want to install a Notepad++ plugin but you have Firefox and a JSON plugin for Firefox, you can select Run -> Launch in Firefox. You get the contents formatted as JSON using your Firefox plugin.

Npp Json Viewer Plugin Download

Download File 🔥 https://urllio.com/2y7NrM 🔥

For those of us behind a corporate firewall with no direct access to the internet, using the Plugins Admin won't work. To use the JSMinNpp plugin, you can't just "copy the dll to the plugins folder". It needs to live inside a folder called "JSMinNpp" inside the plugins folder. After doing that and restarting Notepad++, I was able to see the "JSTool" menu option under the Plugins menu.

Lastly, hit CTRL+SHIFT+F and voila! You have a nicely indented JSON Object. I, too, am looking for a Notepad++ JSON formatter, and I very well may be forced to develop an Npp plugin some short time in the future.

The JSON viewer changes the returned JSON data to make it easier to read. Sometimes a web server responds to HTTP requests by returning data encoded as JSON. JSON data can be difficult to read when it's formatted as a single long, concatenated line of text. The same can occur when opening a JSON file from disk.

The JSON viewer is not supported in windows that are opened by using the window.open JavaScript method. In windows opened with window.open, JSON data is displayed as a single line of text, without formatting or syntax highlighting.

I was using the json viewer extension to format json in the browser and was happy with it but after upgrading brave browser, the extension is not effective anymore and i just get a checkbox to pretty print the json but it is not as good as it was with json viewer.

Notepad++ does not have native support for JSON formatting, but there are plugins available that can assist in formatting JSON code. One such plugin is the JSON Viewer Plugin which can be downloaded from the Notepad++ website or through the Plugin Manager.

With the plugin installed, open the JSON file you want to format in Notepad++. Go to the Plugins menu and select the JSON Viewer option. This will open a new window that displays the JSON code with proper indentation and color-coded syntax highlighting to make it easier to read and edit.

Is there any way to fix it or have to wait for an update? while I'm at it I'd like to make a feature request, is it possible to add a "Design" view in the future? like the XML Editor plugin, so I don't accidently edit out a parenthesis or other json delimeters.

My apologies. This comment was made in error, as this issue occurred on a different JSON plugin, not the JSON Editor plugin. I would delete the original comment if I could, but I'm not seeing where I could.

Very nice plugin, except the irritating automatic block selection after field edit. It is incredibly frustrating, and basically renders the whole plugin unusable. Is it possible to turn this "feature" off?

Decent plugin. It does basic json formatting and syntax highlighting, however it has one "feature" which renders it un-usable. It will randomly, seemingly without a pattern highlight entire blocks of json. So if you're typing this means that the entire block is replaced. Not an acceptable thing for a code editor to do!

This plugin is so good, thank you very much for your excellent work!

But I have a little problem, when the size of JSON file getting bigger, it is so difficult to type contents to the file, it will be stuck for validation work, is it possible to add an optional validation feature? or a switch to turn off the validation. Thank you.

Same problem here on Eclipse Luna SR1: The validation always issues an OK message, no matter how many errors there are in the JSON file. The formatter is also not usable.

I uninstalled the plugin...

I am using Ubuntu 13.04 (Kernel 3.5.44) Unfortunately, this plug in starts acting up and does not allow the json file to be saved with a NullPointerException (no further info provided by Eclipse). It hampered my delivery efforts.

We all love to hack around in the Developer Console, don't we? With this latest update, you can now access the left and right editor via editorLeft and editorRight, and you can access the JSON utility libraries lodash, jsonrepair, Ajv, jmespath, and immutable-json-patch in the Developer Console. Just open your Developer Console via F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I and follow the instructions there.

You can use the editor as a json formatter. In code mode, you can paste a JSON file in the editor, and click the "Format" button from the menu. In tree mode, you can just paste the file and copy it again: the contents will automatically be formatted. Alternatively, you can also use the "Copy formatted" button from the menu to be done in one click. Read more.

As of now you already have seen that in our day to day work we come up with many types of URLs and files specifically JSON files they are almost everywhere. For files its clear. You use a text editor with a beautiful syntax highlighting and with your desired settings. But what about when you view them in browser? In your development career you may already heard of json formatter browser extensions. They format and syntax highlight the json codes from most of the json responses. But most don't give satisfactory results.

Hey, everyone! I came across this amazing JSON5 editor and I had to share it with you all: json-5.com 

Just in case you're not familiar with JSON5, it's a more versatile and readable version of JSON that allows for features not supported by the traditional JSON, like comments and trailing commas. Check out this link to learn more about JSON5: json-5.com/json-vs-json5

However, if you want to let Notepad++ format JSON, you need to install certain plugins in Notepad++. At present, there are 2 main Notepad++ JSON formatter plugins. The first is JSON Viewer, and the other is JSTool.

JSTool, also called JavaScript Tool is another free JSON formatter Notepad++. It supports 64-bit Notepad++ from version 1.20.0. The tree viewer for Notepad++ can handle 10MB larger JSON files. It can also be used to format JSON Notepad++.

Sublime Text is a cross-platform proprietary editor that similar to Atom but with better performance. Plugin are written in Python instead of JavaScript. There is also a plug-in called Pretty JSON, but I'm not sure about its relationship with the Atom plugin.

JSON is a data format that is common in configuration files like package.json or project.json. We also use it extensively in Visual Studio Code for our configuration files. When opening a file that ends with .json, VS Code provides features to make it simpler to write or modify the file's content.

In addition to the default JSON mode following the JSON specification, VS Code also has a JSON with Comments (jsonc) mode. This mode is used for the VS Code configuration files such as settings.json, tasks.json, or launch.json. When in the JSON with Comments mode, you can use single line (//) as well as block comments (/* */) as used in JavaScript. The mode also accepts trailing commas, but they are discouraged and the editor will display a warning.

The current editor mode is indicated in the editor's Status Bar. Select the mode indicator to change the mode and to configure how file extensions are associated to modes. You can also directly modify the files.associations setting to associate file names or file name patterns to jsonc.

The association of a JSON file to a schema can be done either in the JSON file itself using the $schema attribute, or in the User or Workspace settings (File > Preferences > Settings) under the property json.schemas.

To map a schema that is located in the workspace, use a relative path. In this example, a file in the workspace root called myschema.json will be used as the schema for all files ending with .foo.json.

I am currently using this online JSON Viewer to view JSON objects. Unfortunately, the viewer doesn't have an option to copy a sub-element. In a complex object it can be hard to manually find the closing bracket.

Hi, I have a request to display json results from API call to external app onto a confluence page. json output is available when you point to specific URL. The paid option is +Table+Macro, however this plugin is way too expensive for our one use case.

We use Confluence Cloud for collaborating on technical documentation. Our product APIs & structures have quite a number of large JSON objects and previewing as plain text on Confluence page was quite annoying for developers. One of our developer suggested we create a Macro for viewing JSON as formatted text - which got us working on the plugin.

Confluence ships with a great range of macros, however the JSON viewer macro was missing . To our delight the Atlassian Connect framework had the right set of tools to fill in this gap and we used the dynamic content macro framework to quickly create a JSON viewer for Confluence cloud. Using open source libraries gave us a quick turn around in developing the plugin.

To use this plugin, first install it, then open your JSON file in Chrome. You will see an icon in the address bar. Click on it and select either "Print Current Page" or "Print Page" to print your JSON file. If you want to the file to get printed, you can also do that from the menu.

In conclusion, Notepad++ is a versatile text editor that provides a simple and efficient way to format JSON data. With the JSON Viewer plugin, you can easily format your JSON data to make it more readable and easier to understand. By following these simple steps, you can quickly and easily format your JSON data in Notepad++.

Before Firefox 53, the JSON viewer is enabled by default only in Firefox Developer Edition and Firefox Nightly. To enable this feature in other release channels, set the `devtools.jsonview.enabled` preference to `true`. 006ab0faaa

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