I have been helping u/chelseagirl11 with an issue they have been having since updating their NordVPN client on Windows - you can find u/chelseagirl11's original posting here: _connect_since_latest_update/ (sorry for some limited context here as the conversations switched to chat).

After working directly with u/chelseagirl11 it appears this will once again result from a buggy version of the NordVPN client (something we have been seeing a lot lately). Reason would suggest we could resolve u/chelseagirl11's issues by simply downgrading to the latest client that is known to work - something many Linux users are having to do lately.

Download The Former Client ( Version Of Nordvpn )

Download Zip 🔥 https://tinurll.com/2y7Nsx 🔥

I have not used Nord on a Windows system in over a few years so I am appealing to the rest of the community for assistance here. In my initial sleuthing I have been unable to find where Nord may store their older version of the Windows client - in the Linux world we simply have to select the version we want from the repo...

Does anyone know where Nord would make these older versions of the Window's client accessible? I have tried modifying the path on the CND URI that leads to the latest client; however, thus far, that has not worked. I have found a couple of sites that claim to have the setup files for the older client versions available; however, not being directly from Nord makes them quite suspect right off the bat.

I am having service (some client) as a docker container accessing the Internet via nordvpn container (network_mode: container:nordvpn). So far everything works as expected. However, routing to the service via its FQDN registered through labels in docker-compose service section stopped working (gateway timeout). Tried via file settings in toml file but with the same result. If I remove the NordVPN step all works as expected but stops right after I put it back on.. Tried some other different service/client with exactly the same behavior.

Just a note, there is no other option accessing the service this way only via registering it on the particular subdomain. When network_mode: container:nordvpn is used no ports or exposed are allowed. Also you cannot access host network from the container as well - docker limitation on the linux.

I installed wireguard after nordvpn using sudo apt install wireguard (I have ubuntu), wireguard commands work like wg --help but when you type in the command sudo wg show nordlynx private-key it gives me that unable to access protocol message, I tried running the command under su and bash to no success either

Good news guys eventually got my private key after installing Debian on a virtual machine then installing wireguard under root and installing nordvpn 3.3.0 under root, it now shows it as an interface in wireguard, so glad I got this working lol thanks for all the assistance guys

This is exciting, out of curiosity what are the performance differences you are seeing with wireguard vs ovpn on nordvpn? I tried re-creating your steps but failed miserably. So I am going to start again from scratch. Any chance you could put together the step by steps one would need to do to get this implemented correctly?

Some days ago ProtonVPN released an update for the Windows client, version 1.5.1. Maybe they added some changes to their client? Or I thought you were in contact with them and they fixed something too. :)

I will send you an additional diagnostic log to my current ticket.

However, I need to think of another way around the multiple NAT problem as this causes a noticeable battery drain. If you are not using Roon ARC at the moment, it is better to disable Meshnet in the smartphone client.

Usually this happens when resuming laptop from sleep having previously been connected. When the client tries to reconnect is just hangs indefinitely and shows reconnecting in the status.

I downloaded nordvpn-bin from AUR and I suspect this version is doing something that is messing with the ability to use a machine as a gateway, as I do with all my other VPN services. For some reason just Nord in particular isn't working as expected.

- Internet forwarding seems to be working fine - client phone for testing using as a gateway working for all traffic

- # systemctl start nordvpn

- use nordvpn CLI to login and then connect

- Connectivity on the server itself is all good, opening IP check page shows the VPN IP and everything is all as intended

And crossed my fingers thinking this would be the hurrah! moment - but sadly - no. The Arch is still curling the correct NordVPN IP when I do it directly from that machine, but outside clients are not going through the VPN and public IP is displayed.

Yikes, yeah I wouldn't know where to begin here in trying to do this myself. This issue is still unresolved and I think it has something to do with however nordvpn is configuring itself, as I have multiple identical VM's here acting as gateways for other major providers and none have this issue - it's exclusive to the nord gateway sadly

Compare the routing tables (as above) with one of your other VPN gateways. If my theory is correct those clients use a from of routing I know from OpenVPN (double default route with different metrics and a host route for the VPN endpoint).

So it's absolutely something that the software is doing. They changed something along the way and I forget where I read about it but there was just a one-off random comment in all of the research I was doing on reddit from a guy claiming he couldn't get some feature to work on the newest nordvpn release and had to downgrade. The second I dropped back to 3.15.0 it works absolutely perfectly, using it as we speak with zero problems, and zero frustration.

Strange stuff indeed. I think disabling routing in the newest version and issuing the proper set of commands would be great, just not sure how to begin really.. I wish there was a way to reach someone that mattered at nordvpn about this. I see their tool is on github.

I just tried your suggestion to changing the repository to --> bubuntux/nordvpn:v3.12.3 it re-configured the container ... but my binhex deluge is still showing my routers public IP in the status bar bottom right corner even after restart of both containers.

$ nordvpn connect --> shows the same "a new version is available" and has a spinning "\" indicating it is trying to connect. (for last 10 mins now and still has not conected) My guess is it will eventually time out.

Another oddity. When I open a console on my existing and working NordVPN container and enter "nordvpn status" on the CLI, it returns information. When I open a consol on my new unRaid server's NordLynx container and enter "nordvpn status" or "nordlynx status" it returns a "sh: nordlynx: not found" error. Also, "curl ifconfig.io" returns a "sh: ifconfig.io: not found".

I had similar issues with NordLynx this past weekend (none of the nordvpn\curl commands worked)... I gave up and went back to using NordVPN rolled back to last working version v3.12.3 (with TECHNOLOGY setting OpenVPN). It still spits out a warning that there is a new version available in the NordVPN console but I managed to get it working.

in nodrvpn docker click add port ... make sure you select port from the drop down box and then put 8989 in the value for nzbget conatiner port. restart nordvpn container .. then restart nzbget container. Then try to see if it works.

On the NordVPN setup page it states that Netgear Routers cannot act as OpenVPN clients and therefore cannot install their VPN on the router without complex steps being taken involving DD-WRT firmware that's just beyond my abilities.

I tried to setup 4 & 5 NordVPN clients, it shows 5 connections, but not traffic for 2 connections, can only traffic with max. 3 connections, because either pending for gateway IP or have conflict OpenVPN gateway IP. Even I press and press the recycle button for each pending or conflict gateway IP. Still no new IP.

"Historically, the client-facing entity of the group was Tefincom S.A. -- a company registered in Panama. It was later changed to NordVPN S.A. (keeping the jurisdiction) for more transparency, clarity and as a step towards more uniformed legal structure. During the change, we informed all our clients, and this change is still reflected in our Terms of Service," NordVPN wrote.

NordVPN offers a kill switch when connecting through OpenVPN or its NordLynx protocol. We tested the kill switch using both OpenVPN and NordLynx and were concerned when it appeared as though the kill switch didn't activate when we jumped from one server to another using the NordVPN MacOS clients.

NordVPN has two MacOS clients -- one that can be sideloaded from the website and another that can be downloaded from Apple's App Store. The sideloaded MacOS client has a per-app kill switch where you can designate specific apps to kill if your VPN connection is interrupted. For our tests, we set the Chrome browser to be killed but, as we jumped from server to server and the VPN connection broke, our Chrome browsing session continued to chug along uninterrupted. It was only after the client timed out when we attempted to jump to a seventh consecutive server that NordVPN killed Chrome. 006ab0faaa

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