Other Classroom Policies

Assignment Policies

Late Assignments:

We're on a time crunch, so please do not submit assignments late. Sending articles to me late will result in a 15% reduction in that part of your grade for the discussion leadership score. All other assignments must be done on time to recieve credit.


If you are going to miss a due date, you must provide verification of your reasoning (i.e., doctor’s note, police report, etc.). If you miss your presentation without prior notification or verification, you will not be able to make it up. You MUST notify me ahead of time that you will not be in class. Missing class due to illness or family emergency will be handled on a case-by-case basis. All issues must be resolved prior to the scheduled event.


This will be the source of lecture materials and all assignments. On the site for this class, you will find all materials necessary for the course. I will also post relevant announcements here, so please check this regularly. There is a free app available that will allow you to get notifications when the Canvas sites for your courses are updated. If you have the technology for this, you may consider downloading the app.


While your fellow classmates are presenting, I expect you to have all digital devices that are not necessary to participate in class put away and silenced. You may take notes to help you with your peer review, but you must be paying attention to the presentation that is happening. Please give your fellow classmates the respect that they deserve.

Covid and Illness Policies

Current policies regarding Covid include the following. These are subject to change by the University at any time, so please pay attention to University announcements.

  1. Masks are optional, but strongly encouraged. If you have symptoms of any illness or think that you might have been exposed, I encourage you strongly to wear a mask out respect for the rest of us and our health! I will do the same!

  2. Prior to coming to campus you need to take the COVID screening using the CSUB mobile app or on the CSUB webpage. Answer the questions honestly! If it does not clear you to come on campus you need to contact Erika Delamar at ‭(661) 654-3453‬ or edelamar@csub.edu. If she can clear you, she will give you a written clearance that you can give to me in the event that you have missed class. If she can't, she will notify me, which will clear you from attendance, and we will make a plan for any missed classes at that time.

  3. You can find relevant information regarding our Campus and COVID here.

  4. If you are sick and can't attend class, please notify me ASAP so that I can accommodate you as best as I can.

  5. Wash your hands often! Practice good hygiene!

  6. At any time, the University or I may decide to move courses back online. I am prepared for this, and our transition should be relatively seamless. Please make sure that you are prepared for this possibility as well. So far, the risk of this looks low. Yay!!

  7. Please keep in mind that some of us are at risk for illnesses. I have lupus; there may be others in the class who are compromised. Vaccinations are GREAT (Yay Science!!! 🧪), but we all need to do our part and practice all precautions so that we don't get shut down and/or sick!

I hope we have a fun and healthy semester! Let's do this!!

Sharing of Course Content

Students are not permitted to make visual or audio recordings, including live streaming, of classroom lectures or any class related content, using any type of recording devices (e.g., smart phone, computer, digital recorder, etc.), unless prior permission from the instructor is obtained, and there are no objections from any of the students in the class. If permission is granted, personal use and sharing of recordings and any electronic copies of course materials (e.g., PowerPoints, formulas, lecture notes and any classroom discussions online or otherwise) is limited to the personal use of students registered in the course and for educational purposes only, even after the end of the course.

To supplement the classroom experience, lectures may be audio or video recorded by faculty and made available to students registered for this class. Faculty may record classroom lectures or discussions for pedagogical use, future student reference, or to meet the accommodation needs of students with a documented disability. These recordings are limited to personal use and may not be distributed (file share), sold, or posted or shared on social media outlets or any other outlets without the written permission of faculty. Unauthorized downloading, file sharing, distribution of any part of a recorded lecture or course materials, or using information for purposes other than the student’s own learning may be deemed an academic violation and subject to disciplinary action.

Language and Respect

I believe that diversity is critical to an enriched learning environment. As such, mutual respect is critical, and hateful or discriminatory language will NOT be tolerated in this class. This includes derogatory comments against a person’s race, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation, etc.

While I encourage discussions about differences, these must be conducted respectfully! I believe that the university should be a safe place for all to learn without feeling threatened, and that diversity is important and should be valued. These are my beliefs, and you don't have to hold them, but I do expect that you will act respectfully to one another!

Academic Integrity Policy

The CSU Academic Integrity Policy:

The principles of truth and integrity are recognized as fundamental to a community of teachers and scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will honor these principles and in so doing will protect the integrity of all academic work and student grades. Students are expected to do all work assigned to them without unauthorized assistance and without giving unauthorized assistance. Faculty have the responsibility of exercising care in the planning and supervision of academic work so that honest effort will be encouraged and positively reinforced.

There are certain forms of conduct that violate the university’s policy of academic integrity:

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (CHEATING) is a broad category of actions that involve fraud and deception to improve a grade or obtain course credit. Academic dishonesty (cheating) is not limited to examination situations alone, but arises whenever students attempt to gain an unearned academic advantage.

PLAGIARISM is a specific form of academic dishonesty (cheating) which consists of the misuse of published or unpublished works of another by claiming them as one’s own. Plagiarism may consist of handing in someone else’s work as one’s own, copying or purchasing a pre-written composition and claiming it as one’s own, using paragraphs, sentences, phrases, words or ideas written by another without giving appropriate citation, or using data and/or statistics compiled by another without giving appropriate citation.

Another example of academic dishonesty (cheating) is the SUBMISSION OF THE SAME, OR ESSENTIALLY THE SAME, PAPER or other assignment for credit in two different courses without receiving prior approval from the instructors of the affected courses.

When a faculty member discovers a violation of the university’s policy of academic integrity, the faculty member is required to notify the Dean of Students Office and the student(s) involved. A course grade of ‘F’ may be assigned or another grade penalty may be applied at the discretion of the course instructor. Additional disciplinary sanctions are determined by the Assistant Dean of the Dean of Students Office.

Disciplinary sanctions may include:

  • disciplinary probation,

  • suspension,

  • permanent expulsion from the university or from the California State University system,

  • administrative hold on the release of records,

  • and withholding a degree.

Disciplinary probation shall be noted on the student’s formal academic record only for the duration of the probationary period. Disciplinary suspension of more than one academic year and expulsion are a part of the student’s permanent record.

The student may pursue a formal hearing or make a settlement agreement with the Assistant Dean of the Dean of Students Office.

The Dean of Students Office shall conduct an investigation, confer with the faculty member, students and any witnesses identified, and review all evidence. The student is entitled to a formal hearing scheduled by the Dean of Students Office, in which the evidence of the alleged violation shall be presented before an impartial Hearing Officer (appointed by the President) and the student shall be present to provide an explanation or defense. The Hearing Officer shall submit a written report to the President containing the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Alternatively, a settlement agreement may be made with the Dean of Students Office. The settlement agreement will specify the disciplinary sanctions, the length and terms of disciplinary probation or suspension, and the conditions the student is expected to meet in order to remain in good standing (e.g., training or regular meetings with the Dean of Students Office). All sanctions are reported to the instructor reporting the incident, the student’s Chair, and the student’s Dean.

Any repeated violation of academic integrity shall result in more serious academic sanctions. Normally, this will include suspension or expulsion from the university with a note on the student’s permanent record.

Make sure to follow all of these policies and use the Writing Standards in Biology to format your citations!!!

Students with Disabilities

To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible. You can visit their webpage by clicking the button below. Their office is located in SA 140, and they may be reached at (661) 654-3360. If you have a letter from the SSD office documenting that you have a disability, please present the letter to me during my office hours as soon as possible so we can discuss the specific accommodations that you might need in class.

Online Etiquette

Often referred to as "netiquette," here is a gentle reminder of the interaction practices and rules we'll follow in all our interactions in this course.

If you ever feel that someone is not following these rules, please send an email to me using the Canvas Inbox and describe your concerns.