Course Details

Course Format

This course is a fully in-person course. So, please make sure that you make the necessary arrangements to attend class.

This course is a seminar course and relies heavily on class participation. Therefore, attendance is mandatory. You will be docked 3 points for being late to class (unless previously arranged), and you will be docked 10 points if you do not attend class. Absences must be verifiable to be excused (i.e., doctor’s note, police report for accidents, etc.). We will work something out in the case of illness. See Other Classroom Policies for information about illnesses.

Course Discussion

As this course relies on your presence for discussion, attendance is mandatory. Unexcused absences will be deducted 10 points in addition to not earning the 5 participation points for the day. Participation and involvement in course discussion will be evaluated during each course meeting. You may earn up to 5 pts per course meeting depending on your preparedness, involvement, contribution to the course discussion, and attentiveness. Each course meeting, you will be expected to have read the assigned book chapter and/or selected peer reviewed articles that have been assigned by myself or your classmates. You should be prepared to thoughtfully and knowledgeably discuss assigned reading materials during each course meeting.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Topic Selection and Discussion

We will work together as a class to come up with the topics that should be covered in our book. Each student will choose one of those topics as theirs to cover. On the assigned date (see canvas) the class will discuss three of the papers that are critical or represent major themes within each chapter. The chapter writer will lead the discussion. Papers to be discussed should be submitted to Dr. Stokes no later than TWO WEEKS before the assigned discussion date.


As we are all working on this together we will review, edit, and make constructive criticism of each others' chapters. Chapters will be written and then reviewed by the group on the assigned date (see canvas). We will be reading for flow, completeness, depth of the content, and appeal to a broad audience -remember we want this to be accessible to anyone interested in coevolution!!!



Your grade will be based on the number of points you earn divided by the total points for the course. Your final grade will be percentage based. Grade appeals can only be made on the basis of miscalculation of your average and must be made to me in person within at least one week of grades being posted. There will NOT be any extra credit or curving in this course. Whatever grade you receive on assignments is the grade that you get for that assignment.

Grades are based on the following percentage scale:

93-100 = A

90-92 = A-

87-89 = B+

83-86 = B

80-82 = B-

77-79 = C+

73-76 = C

70-72 = C-

67-69 = D+

63-66 = D

60-62 = D-

<60 = F