Course Essentials

Course Description

This course is different every semester, at the discretion of the instructor. This semester, we will be studying Coevolution. Students will take a deep dive into various systems and aspects related to the study of coevolution. Together, we will write what I hope will be a publishable book. Each of you with their own chapter covering a coevolutionary topic of your choice. This relies on dedication, effort, and collaboration between all of you!

Photo by David Hablützel:

Learning Objectives:

Students in this course will develop graduate-level skills in:

  1. Content and knowledge of a specific theme/field of biology

  2. Understanding modern issues in the biological sciences

  3. Reading and discussing the scientific literature

  4. Presenting and leading discussion on peer-reviewed scientific journal articles

  5. Writing scientifically formatted review or position papers


All course materials and assignments will be posted on Canvas. You will need to have consistent access to that page throughout the course. You will find all readings, assignments, and Zoom links on Canvas. I will also have due dates for all assignments posted on the Canvas calendar.


Slack will be used to enhance communication between you, your classmates, and myself. I will use it to communicate with you, but it will also be a way for you to contact me, share cool things related to the course, and ask questions.