Dr. Sudhir Ranganath is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Siddaganga Institute of Technology (SIT), Tumkur. He is also the Principal Investigator and founder of the Laboratory for Biomedical Innovations via Engineering & NanoTechnology (Bio-INvENT Lab) at SIT. He is a co-founder and director of a pharma research start-up Tvastra InnoTech Solutions, which is currently being incubated at SIT. He has a research experience of more than 22 years from some of the world's premier universities including Harvard University and MIT, USA, National University of Singapore and Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bangalore.  

He received his B.E in Chemical Engineering from Bangalore University, M.S., & Ph.D., in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and postdoctoral experience at Harvard-MIT, USA & JNCASR, India. His interest in biology and medicine backed up by his chemical engineering and nanotechnology skills has enabled him contribute significantly to the field of biomedical engineering. His research is funded by DBT (Govt. of India), BRNS (Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India), SERB (Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India), DST-Lockheed Martin-Tata Trusts, VGST (Govt. of Karnataka) and ARVO (USA) totaling more than Rs. 5 crores and intramurally by SSES (Rs. 90 lakhs) in a span of seven years. He has published 28 international high impact research articles in the areas of cancer therapy, stem cell biology/bioengineering and drug delivery in top journals including Cell Stem Cell, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Stem Cell Reports, Nature Scientific Reports, Biomaterials, Nanoscale Advances, Pharmaceutical Research, PLoS ONE and AIChE Journal. He also has three patent applications on novel drugs against HIV, nanoparticles for stimulating plant defense and Lithium extraction from spent Lithium ion batteries.

Selected awards and honors:

Dr. Sudhir is on the editorial board of Journal of Cancer Science & Treatment (USA), and is a reviewer for prestigious journals including Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, RSC Advances, American Chemical Society, and Journal of Materials Chemistry B. He also serves as the member of the Board of Studies of Chemical Engineering at the Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi since Sep 2019. He regularly delivers scientific lectures at premier academic/research institutes. He has served as a research mentor for CSIR-SRTP 2020 program, JNCASR Summer Research Fellowship program and Indo-French Student Exchange program, resource person in DST-sponsored INSPIRE programs, National Science Day. 

He loves to motivate students to take up scientific research at a young age and as a career. In this direction, he has hosted more than 100 engineering and science students in the last year 3 years to work on various projects in his lab. Within a short span of four years at SIT, he has been able to inspire many young undergraduate and PhD students to take up research projects in his lab and has trained them to compete with peers from IITs and other public universities in India. The success of his students has been phenomenal, for they have won multiple awards, internships and student grants from IITs and international organizations. These are great indicators of his potential for long-term contributions specifically in inspiring and training young students and widening the knowledge database in his area of research. To simply put, Sudhir leads a transformation at his Institute (SIT Tumkur), which is a lesser known privately funded engineering School in India, in terms of research culture. He has created and inspired a critical mass of people who are fully dedicated to biomedical research.