
Breakfast is at 8 AM on Monday in the lab restaurant, and then we will start with the course at 9!


For those of you arriving with bus/train, there will be a shuttle bus leaving for the lab from Strömstad bus/train station at 17:30, and one at 20:00 on Sunday. Hopefully, that will work for everyone – please let me know if not!


I will make sure that we have some beer/wine and snacks available in the dorm in the evenings – please bring cash if you want to buy some (Swish also possible for those with Swedish bank accounts).


The meals should be paid in the laboratory reception, this can be done at any time of the week with a credit card or Swish (no cash). The cost is 286 SEK/day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Please also bring bed sheets, a towel and a swimsuit  - we will most probably have time to jump in the water in the evenings, and there is a sauna at the lab 😊