Do you want to know more about some of the softwares we use? Are you unsure about how to work with your data? You will find below some tutorials, courses and links that can help you with your research.

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS):

Coming of age: ten years of next-generation sequencing technologies

Nature Series: Applications of next-generation sequencing

Next-generation genomics: an integrative approach

Sequencing technologies — the next generation

A survey of sequence alignment algorithms for next-generation sequencing

Bioinformatics applied to oncology:

Computational genomics tools for dissecting tumour–immune cell interactions

Expanding the computational toolbox for mining cancer genomes

Functional variomics and network perturbation: connecting genotype to phenotype in cancer

Nature Collection: Cancer genomics — from bench to bedside

Transcriptome analysis (RNA-Seq):

RNA sequencing: advances, challenges and opportunities

A comparison of methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data

Measurement of mRNA abundance using RNA-seq data: RPKM measure is inconsistent among samples

Evaluation of statistical methods for normalization and differential expression in mRNA-Seq experiments

Challenges and strategies in transcriptome assembly and differential gene expression quantification. A comprehensive in silico assessment of RNA-seq experiments

Statistical design and analysis of RNA sequencing data

A comprehensive comparison of RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis from reads to differential gene expression and cross-comparison with microarrays: a case study in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

A survey of best practices for RNA-seq data analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of normalization methods for Illumina high-throughput RNA sequencing data analysis

Near-optimal RNA-Seq quantification

Differential analyses for RNA-seq- transcript-level estimates improve gene-level inferences

Informatics for RNA Sequencing: A Web Resource for Analysis on the Cloud

Transcript-level expression analysis of RNA-seq experiments with HISAT, StringTie and Ballgown

Methods to study splicing from high-throughput RNA sequencing data

A comprehensive assessment of RNA-seq accuracy, reproducibility and information content by the Sequencing Quality Control Consortium

An useful post: Review papers on the topic of RNA-seq

Networks and Pathway Enrichment:

How to visually interpret biological data using networks

Gene set enrichment analysis: a knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles

Identification of genome variants:

Genome structural variation discovery and genotyping

Genotype and SNP calling from next-generation sequencing data

Survival Analysis: what do you need to know?

Survival Analysis Part I: Basic concepts and first analyses

Survival Analysis Part II: Multivariate data analysis – an introduction to concepts and methods

Survival Analysis Part III: Multivariate data analysis – choosing a model and assessing its adequacy and fit

Survival Analysis Part IV: Further concepts and methods in survival analysis

Online courses:

Bioinformatics: Introduction and Methods

Bioinformatic Methods I 'Next Gen' Sequence Analysis (RNA-Seq) / Metagenomics

Command Line Tools for Genomic Data Science

Data Analysis for Life Sciences 7: Case Studies in Functional Genomics

Differential gene expression workshop

Genome Sequencing (Bioinformatics II)

Introduction to Genomic Technologies

Bioinformatics for Cancer Genomics

RNA-seq Bioinformatics

[Papers-technical related]

A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects

An Online Bioinformatics Curriculum

A Quick Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub


Rosalind - Aprenda bioinformática online através de problemas!

Informatics for RNA-seq: A web resource for analysis on the cloud


RNA-Seq De novo Assembly Using Trinity

RNA-seq workflow: gene-level exploratory analysis and differential expression

ENCODE RNA-Seq Standards

RNA-seq tutorials | RNA-seq Lectures

The Ultimate Guide To Partitioning Clustering


Practical Introduction to Linux

Unix Bootcamp

UNIX Tutorial for Beginners

Introduction to HPC


Introduction to R

Quick & Dirty Guide to R

Elegant correlation table using xtable R package

ggfortify : Extension to ggplot2 to handle some popular packages - R software and data visualization

ggbio - Visualize genomic data

Gviz - Plotting data and annotation information along genomic coordinates

ReportingTools - Tools for making reports in various formats

Interactive Network Visualization using R

Practical Guide to Principal Component Methods in R

Survival Analysis in R

TCGA Workflow: Analyze cancer genomics and epigenomics data using Bioconductor packages

Introduction to DGE

Useful Software / Pipelines:

Cancer Cell Metabolism Gene DB - Online tool

jvenn - Online venn diagram creator

MultiQC - Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report

RNACocktail - A comprehensive framework for accurate and efficient RNA-Seq analysis