Biology 45
Introduction to Human Nutrition
DeAnza College
Winter 2025
I am Anna Miller, your instructor for Introduction to Human Nutrition.
This class will undoubtedly affect how you think about food, diets and health.
My hope is you will be able to apply what you learn in this course to your professional and personal life.
I look forward to meeting you online soon!
Anna Miller
You are welcome to call me AnnaPronouns: she/her/hers
About this Syllabus
This syllabus contains essential information to help you. It is designed to be mobile-friendly so you can easily access it from your smartphone. Bookmark it on your phone or computer so it's easy to find when you need it.
If you would like to read, save and/or print the syllabus in a more traditional format (all text, no photos, videos or graphics) click on the button below.
You Are What You Eat!
The links between diet and health and disease are undeniable
If you eat high quality fuel (i.e. healthy foods) you are more likely to be healthy. If you eat unhealthy food, you are more likely to experience health problems and lack energy and stamina, especially as you age.
But eating a healthy diet is not always easy to do! We often have complex relationships with food and may approach the topic of nutrition with fear, anxiety and bias.
I invite you to have an open mind as you explore this dynamic and powerful topic.
Below are a 2 short, fun and informative videos to whet your appetite for learning about food and nutrition (pardon the pun!). Watching is optional.
How This Course Works
(More information is found in the section Course Essentials)
An Overview
This 12 week course is organized into 11 one-week modules. Each Week's Module begins on a Monday and ends on the following Sunday night. However, the week's module will be posted the Friday before the week begins to give those students who want to get started on a given week the weekend before to do so.
This is a fully online course. There are no required Zoom lectures. There are weekly 1 hour recorded "Mini-Lectures" available for you to watch. In a mini-lecture I will go over some of the material that week's course content. No new material will be presented in a Mini-Lecture.
Exams are taken on Canvas on specific dates at specific times while students are on Zoom with their video enabled
The course officially begins Monday January 6. However, the Canvas course will open early on Thursday Jan 2 for those who want to get a head start. (Good idea!) The course ends Thursday March 27
This is NOT a self-paced course
If you need accommodations or services due to a disability, register with the Disability Support Services:
How To Get Into the Course
Sign In
To access Biology 45 on Canvas you will sign into MyPortal. This class will open Thursday Jan 2
Need Help with Canvas?
If you have trouble signing in or experience technical issues with Canvas, click the button below for support services.
Anna's Top Tips for Success in Bio45
- Have Realistic Expectations
Expect to spend at least 15 hours a week on this course (maybe more). It takes time (and patience) to learn
The quarter is short -- it goes by fast. We don't have the luxury to ease into the course. You'll need to jump right in and get started in the first week.
Bio 45 is a rigorous, science-based nutrition course -- it takes effort to know and understand the complex concepts of the science of nutrition
- Get Organized with your Time
Create a routine and schedule for yourself: Set aside chunks of time on specific days of the week at specific times to dedicate solely to this course.
Make a weekly plan for the tasks you will work on and do your best to stick to that plan (but be realistic).
- Be Proactive
Strive to stay on top of Bio 45 from Week 1
Log onto Canvas regularly -- At least 3 times a week
Log onto the course every Monday. Start on the Homepage. This is a great place to get a quick snapshot of what's going on that week in Bio 45. (Beginning in Week 3 there will be a new Homepage every Monday morning with useful information for the week ahead)
Then, click on "Modules", which gives you a Table of Contents for the course. Go to the current week's Module (which will be posted the Friday before that Monday) and be aware of what's there for you to utilize. FYI: In Week 1 you'll first go to the Orientation Module and then progress onto the Week 1 Module.
Put all deadlines and due dates onto your personal calendar
Ask questions when something is not clear
Ask for help if you find yourself struggling
- Use Anna's Bi-weekly TO DO Lists
Every Friday and Monday you will receive an announcement with a weekend or the coming week's TO DO list. Use them to help you stay on task
- Read ALL of the Anna's Announcements
Not reading the announcements will seriously disadvantage you. Lots of useful, important and valuable information is communicated in them. Don't risk not knowing something important.
- Save the Syllabus onto your desktop (orprint the pdf version and keep it handy)
Refer to it regularly to answer questions you may have, to be clear what's going on and to know what's due when
- Be Active on Pronto
Download the Pronto app on your phone so you will see last minute reminders and announcements without logging onto Canvas. And read what your classmates ask and the answers posted.
- Turn on the Canvas Notifications for Submission Comments and Conversation Message
Set your Preferences on Canvas to turn on at least some e-mail or push Notifications on Canvas. Selecting Submission Comments means you will be notified as soon as a grade comment has been left for you. Sometimes a comment will let you know that your submission is not complete and needs something. That is information you need to know ASAP. Selecting Conversation Message means you will be notified when you have a message in your Inbox. Very useful.
Yes, you might find yourself confused, but help IS here!
How to Get your Questions Answered
Post your Questions on Pronto
Pronto is an online messaging tool that we will be using in this class. Post your question in a Chat on Pronto. The is the BEST place to ask questions.
You can also post your questions on the Canvas Discussion called Have a Question? Ask it HERE. It is located in various places on Canvas (on the Bio 45 Homepage, in the module Your Course Toolkit, in the Orientation Module)
Ask ALL questions about the course content, quizzes, exams, the diet assignment, nutrition, etc. on one of those 2 places.
direct Message me Only For private questions
You can direct message me through:
A Direct Message through Pronto (Preferred method)
E-mail: Please write "Bio 45" in the subject line
The Canvas Inbox
I usually reply within 24 hours (on Pronto, often within the hour)
Please do NOT direct message me with questions about the course content, quizzes, exams, the diet assignment, nutrition etc. Those questions should be asked in a chat on Pronto or in the Canvas Discussion Have a Question? Ask it HERE
Here's How You Can Reach Me
Zoom Office Hours
Mondays and Fridays 11 am - 1 pm and by appointment on other days/times. Use THIS LINK to drop in on my Zoom Office Hours and if prompted to enter a passcode use: Healthwins
Direct Message me
I can be reached on Pronto, via e-mail: or by using the Canvas Inbox. (I prefer that you message me on Pronto)
Please ONLY direct message me for private, personal questions. Questions about the course and nutrition should ONLY be posted in a Pronto Chat or on Canvas in the Have a Question? Discussion.
The Big Picture
I know that most of you are in this class for one primary reason: To satisfy the requirements for applying to your nursing schools of choice.
I get that.
And without a doubt, I wish you well in your path towards a career in nursing (or other paths for the minority of you who do not seek a future in nursing).
I hope you're also here to learn something meaningful and useful. And possibly personally relevant.
My goal in teaching this class is to expose you to the fascinating but complex world of food, nutrition and health. There's much more to nutrition than "Fruits and veggies are good for you and junk food is not".
A Glimpse Into My Teaching Philosophy
I do not value the practice of regurgitating information. I do value the ability to synthesize information and apply that information to "real world" situations, in an intelligent and meaningful way.
I strive to provide learning experiences which will motivate you to master the course material. We all learn differently. I have designed this course to provide students with a variety of ways for understanding new information and making sense of it all.
My role as your teacher is to help YOU reach your final destination (applying to nursing schools?) while increasing your awareness of the incredible power of food and nutrition.
Ultimately I hope that you'll be able to apply what you learn in Biology 45 to achieve good health, stamina and vitality as you move through the lifecycle.
What you can expect from me
I will provide you with a clear, organized online course that is designed to help you succeed, with ample resources and clear expectations
I will treat you with dignity and respect
I will try to be available when you need to communicate to me. I will reply to your e-mails, messages or questions posted in a timely manner (within 48 hours, but usually sooner). I will answer all pertinent questions you have
I will let you know what material will be on the exams; I will notify you of any changes in the reading assignments, the dates of exams or when assignments are due.
I will offer support and encouragement as you strive to learn and understand the concepts of nutrition. I will show compassion and understanding if you experience struggles or difficulties
I will work hard and diligently to help you succeed in this class
I won't be perfect. I am human and will make mistakes at times. I will view mistakes as an opportunity to learn and grow.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I will trust you. I will not judge you. Ever.
I will believe in you, 100%.
What I will expect from you
You will regularly log onto the course and strive to be an active participant in this course
You will do your best to stay on top of the course, devoting sufficient time engaged in learning the course content and completing academic tasks
You will be open to communicating with me so I will know and understand how I can support and assist you
You will treat me and your peers with dignity and respect
You will do your best to be patient with technology. If we encounter problems, we'll figure out how to fix them together
You will uphold academic integrity, always
You will not judge me OR your peers (OR yourself!)
You will remember that learning is a process, and a partnership between you and me
You will forgive yourself if you make mistakes. You will remember that mistakes are opportunities to learn
Quick Links
If you are/have ever battled an eating disorder and this course/the diet assignment has the potential of setting you back in your recovery process, please feel free to discuss your situation with me. I will understand. Some accommodations are possible.
I very much want you to stay within your comfort zone.
I would like to express my gratitude to Michelle Picansky-Brock for her workshop How to Create a Liquid Syllabus. I also acknowledge the many sources of inspiration from the numerous examples of Liquid Syllabi I viewed. And I thank Prof Kelley -- your youtube video How to Build a Liquid Syllabus using Google Sites was immensely helpful.