Triboelectric Series

1. Submission Title:

Most of you submitted the files with correct filenames, but a few submission titles are still not correct, check the link to Lab0 for the correct submission title.

2. Uncertainty:

Please report the uncertainties in your data table.

3. Please put the tables/plots in your report, the spreadsheet will not be graded. Also,

a. Don't forget to number and name the tables. The table legend should be on the top of the data.

b. Don't forget to include the units on the tables.

4. Triboelectric series:

The easiest way to build the series is to make use of the polyethylene, since one of the rods and one of the films are made of polyethylene. By comparing the charges with respect to polyethylene, we can build the series. But, don't forget to report the direction, i.e., which material is more likely to lose electrons, otherwise it would be confusing.

However, the series we constructed based on the previous paragraph may not suit for all of our combinations, so the ways to improve our results are (but not limited to):

a. Rub the rods and cloths with the same strength and time.

b. Our bodies/laptops/tables have charge, so please ground them or reset the sensor after every measurement.