Science Outreach 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

A frequent user of the Zhihu website in China ( more than 130,000 followers, as of December 2017).

    • I became less active since 2015.
      • Part of the reason: there is an internet troll, who has been harassing me, my friends and colleagues since September 2017 on various platforms (email, Zhihu, twitter, facebook, GitHub, and he even created a few websites cursing at us!). He has exposed my real name, work information, as well as other personal data which I have never released on Zhihu.

Airplane Pilot 🛩

Holder of private pilot license (airplane single engine land, ASEL rating), issued by the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

Remote Pilot 🀜

Holder of remote pilot license, with small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) rating, issued by FAA.

    • I can fly drones without worrying about violating FAA regulations, since I am familiar with the related aviation knowledge, e.g., airspace classes, Temporary Flight Restrictions, etc (which I learnt from being a private pilot).