Spiral Formation and "Missing" Planets

There are more than a dozen protoplanetary disks that have spiral arms, and the formation mechanism for these arms is under debate (Dong et al. 2018). Two leading mechanisms, (1) companion-driven and (2) graviational instatbility induction, can create spirals. "Missing Planets" refers to the phenomenon that no planetary drivers have been confirmed in spiral arm systems (Brittain et al. 2020). Using multi-epoch observations, we can discern the leading mechanisms by measuring the motion of the spirals.

1. Mathematical foundation

Formation mechanism of spiral arms in protoplanetary disks (Ren et al. 2020, ApJL). See AAS Nova feature here.

Project timescale: 2019 March to 2020 July.

MWC 758 Driver Orbit

2. Application using 1 year data

Together with a great undergrad Chengyan Xie (Xiamen University '22), Motion measurement of spiral arm motion for the SAO 206462 system (Xie, Ren et al. 2021, ApJL).

Project timescale: 2020 August to 2020 December.

SAO 206462 Driver Orbit(s)

  3. Stellar flyby history of spiral systems

Together with an excellent undergrad Linling Shuai (Xiamen University '23), we traced back the historical locations for stars surrounding spiral arm hosts (Shuai, Ren et al. 2022; ApJS). By doing so, we can investigate the formation mechanism of spirals: are they driven by close-in flybys in the recent past?

Project timescale: 2021 summer to 2022 fall

  4. Surveying all spiral arm systems

The SAFFRON (Spiral Arm Formation from mOtion aNalysis) project surveys all known spiral systems. The VLT/SPHERE program led by me was approved in 2023 spring.

Project timescale: 2023 Apr to 202_ ____

More updates to come.