"Remote Sensing" of Exo–Kuiper Belts

Like the debris disks in extrasolar systems, our own Asteroid Belt and Kuiper Belt are born from the mutual collison of minor objects in planetary systems. The existence of such exo–Kuiper belts not just informs the architecture of planetary systems, but also sheds light on the composition of them. Indeed, the Asteroid Belt and Kuiper Belt provide the water that is essential to life on Earth, with the fomer being the primary resevoir (Morbidelli et al. 2000). 

Using both the Hubble Space Telescope (e.g., Schneider et al. 2014) and ground-based extreme-adaptive-optics-equipped coronagraphic instruments (e.g., the Gemini Planet Imager, see Esposito et al. 2020), the study of them at multiple wavelengths is at the horizon. This "remote sensing" makes it possible to inform the dust composition (water, volatiles, etc.) for extrasolar systems.

1. Foundation: authentic recovery of exo–Kuiper Belts

High-contrast imaging using space- and ground-based instruments requires both state-of-the-art data reduction methods (see also High Contrast Imaging) and ways to offset their potential biases. For the latter, it is necessary to not just recover the disks, but also quantify their uncertainties.

By looking at its Kuiper Belt, HD 191089 is a remote young cousin of our own Sun. Using a combination of radiative transfer modeling and Monte Carlo Markov Chain exploration, we studied the circumstellar disks using the MCFOST software (HD 191089, ApJ, arXiv, ADS). To efficiently sample the parameter space, I come up with the DebrisDiskFM framework that can perform parallel calculation across multiple nodes on a computer cluster.

Project timescale: 2018 January to 2019 July.

2. Application #1: face-on study of an M-star's debris disk

M stars are now the best places for planet search using current and upcoming telescope instruments, in the sense that the planet-to-star contrast is optimal for planet imaging, and that they are populus (more than 70% of the Milky Way; Muench et al. 2002) while likely hosting more planets (Howard et al. 2012). TWA 7, the only known M star that hosts a face-on disk, offers the best vantage point to complement the study of debris disk structures for M stars.

Project timescale: 2020 March to 2021 May.

3. Application #2: completing mission impossible in extracting a circumstellar disk

Oct 2021 --- Nov 2023: Extraction of HD 53143 debris disk using archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) STIS coroangraphic observations (Stark, Ren et al. 2023; AJ, arXiv, ADS)

Based on my recovery and modeling of the HD 53143 system, I was originally expected to be the first author for the publication. Nevertheless, I yielded the first authorship to Dr. C. C. Stark (NASA Goddard) the original principal investigator of the proposal (HST GO-16202) due to extreme oversubscription of my time. I retained the corresponding authorship to answer questions on the reference sifting, preprocessing, post-processing, and forward modeling of the paper.

Sucessful recovery of the HD 53143 disk with HST/STIS coronagraphic archive (colored). In comparison, classical reduction cannot recover the disk well (gray).

4. Application #3: ensemble study of debris disk resolved at different wavelengths by Hubble coronagraphs

Oct 2019 --- Nov 2022: Multi-wavelength imaging of debris disks using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) coronagraphs (Ren et al. 2023b; A&A, arXiv, ADS).