
  • 1. Prelab1:

The line density is


then the spacing is therefore,


When expressed in "±" form, it is


  • 2. Prelab2:

Eq. (3.1) in the lab assignment is,


If we plot dsinθ vs n, then the slope will be λ, and its uncertainty can be gotten directly from the LINEST fit result.

Or, we can plot sinθ vs n, then the slope m = λ/d, and then,


  • 3. Measurements

Please remember to report the physical quantities in a consistent way: the decimal places of the quantity and that of its uncertainty should be the same.

  • 4. LINEST Table

If you put the whole LINEST table in the report, you are RESPONSIBLE to explain all the numbers in the table. Anyone who put the whole table in and explained the quantities gets an extra point.